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Surely, praising disastrously extreme weather (obviously man-made), must be a crime against the climate? Alex; I’m not sure that kind of text can be allowed? What follows is an image from today’s weather forecast: Temperatures in the mid 20s are now shown as light red. The Beitragsservice von ARD, ZDF und Deutschlandradio (English: Contribution service of ARD, ZDF and Deutschlandradio), commonly referred to simply as Beitragsservice, is the organization responsible for collecting the television and radio fee (Rundfunkbeitrag) from private individuals, companies and institutions in Germany. It too has not changed since 2009. No psychological color manipulations. No psychological color manipulations. – just the numbers. I have experienced Aussie summers and winters and heatwaves and cold waves and storms and rain and floods and draught. A new logo for ZDF was launched in June 2001. Here is a graphic to explain the BBC position — https://zh-prod-1cc738ca-7d3b-4a72-b792-20bd8d8fa069.storage.googleapis.com/s3fs-public/styles/inline_image_desktop/public/inline-images/BBC.png, Here is the audio from that radio broadcast courtesy of Guido Fawkes’ site ( https://order-order.com/ ), https://order-order.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/copernicus-claims.mp3. In 2019, on the other hand, a viewer way up in northern Germany might even start sweating a little bit from all the hot looking red, even though the high is expected to be only 20°C (68°F). See https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/2020/06/05/bbcs-fake-claim-about-hottest-may/ for more about the continual propaganda the BBC attempts to spread. Yes it was was one of the sunniest Mays with little cloud cover and little rain. This is actually quite a normal mid morning temperature at the height of summer. 19 talking about this. Le groupement ARD n'a pas de personnalité juridique propre. In 2009, in northeast Germany, 27°C is shown without red hot colors. I well remember how they kept on talking about “hot” temperatures in the 20s. It is a lie, a fiction completely, untrue (again). Of droughts and flooding rains. At Facebook, Akinom Dnagiew posted two fascinating side-by-side weather charts used by German ARD public television for weather forecasting: Readers will notice how in 2009 a calm, neutral chart was used for showing the day’s high temperatures, in Celsius. Image cropped from the ARD tagesschau.de. Of ragged mountain ranges, This happened day after day. Her beauty and her terror High trust in ARD and ZDF: One in four accuses the media of targeted manipulation . What follows is an image from today’s weather forecast: Temperatures in the mid 20s are now shown as light red. No psychological color manipulations. Buy 'ARD & ZDF brainwashing' by TimeSigns as a Essential T-Shirt ‘Ecocide Could Become the 5th Crime Prosecuted by International Criminal Court – ‘Prosecute & imprison political leaders & corporate executives’ – Claim ecocide ‘poses a similar threat to humanity’ as Holocaust, Watch: Doug McKelway’s conversation with Marc Morano: Author of ‘Green Fraud: Why the Green New Deal Is Even Worse than You Think’, NASA Data: World Is Greener So Far This Century Thanks to CO2, New Study: 100-Year Flood Events Are Globally Decreasing In Frequency & Probability Since 1970, Gutfeld Says The Media ‘Would Freak Out’ If Trump Suggested Blocking The Sun To Decrease Climate Change, Greta Thunberg Skipping UN Climate Conference Over Vaccine Inequality, John Kerry: China’s Human Rights Abuses Won’t Stop Any Climate Deals, FLASHBACK: In 2009, John Kerry incorrectly predicted the Arctic would have ‘ice-free summer’ by 2014, Watch: Morano on Fox and Friends rips efforts to block the sun with geoengineering to stop ‘global warming’, Listen: Green Fraud & Media Censorship – Tim Graham of Newsbusters interviews Marc Morano on his book ‘Green Fraud’, Requires ‘Personal changes’: Home radiators will have to be 10 degrees cooler for Britain to reach climate targets of ‘net zero’, Statistician: ‘How A Science Becomes THE Science’ – ‘A theory becomes The Science when a solution to the theory becomes more important than the theory itself’, Corporate climate ‘wokeness’ reaps diminishing returns, America pursues expensive electricity while much of the world lives in energy poverty, CFACT’s lion conservation project continues to grow brighter, We should return to Michael Crichton’s way of thinking, Biden’s $2 Trillion Infrastructure Plan Is A Disaster For Unions, Global Warming And Rising CO2 Have Been A Boon For Plant Life. Meanwhile the BBC is doing much the same in reporting that May was the hottest on record. Seems the catastrophists are incapable of accepting the normal and have to distort and manipulate to validate their dud theories. ARD (German pronunciation: ... Gebühreneinzugszentrale GEZ), a common organisation of the ARD member broadcasters, the second public TV broadcaster ZDF, and Deutschlandradio. Looking at the chart from 2009, one sees the temperatures figures are high, yet we don’t get a hot visual impression. By continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies. The May 10th date in 1987 has been the earliest date the lilacs appeared in all of those years. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6R58VP5dt3s. Australia is all that, and its great people who had made it great in spite of its savage climate. By: Admin - Climate DepotJune 2, 2020 3:25 PM, https://notrickszone.com/2020/06/02/public-manipulation-german-ard-television-using-red-hot-weather-charts-for-showing-cool-temperatures/. This year it seems the ARD has tamed its red colors somewhat. However it should be noted that this is British WEATHER and not climate! […] Fact Checkers Should Not Censor Science French virus tracing app goes live amid debate over privacy German ARD Television Using Red Hot Weather Charts For Showing Cool Temperatures German Parliament in debate on basing of nuclear weapons Groups Opposing Affordable Coronavirus […]. Buy 'ARD & ZDF brainwashing' by TimeSigns as a Canvas Print. Now if the hapless Weather Girls and Boys actually blush, or even go pale, would modern HD OLED or QLED widescreen surround, immersion technologies faithfully show the contrast? What follows is a forecast chart from 2014 on ZDF public television: Here in the above video you’ll see that 25°C is designated by a light orange, and not dark red. 17 talking about this. Above the “weather” ! Nasty Discourse: German Virologist Slanders Renowned Harvard, Oxford, Stanford Scientists: “Pseudo-Experts”, Hamburg Germany Seeing MORE Easter Snow Than In 1960s – Menopausal Mother Nature, Antarctic Sea Ice Grows 2 Million Sq. Allemagne - Regardez la télévision allemande en direct. Why does no media regulator demand that these misleading images be banned? ARD maintains and operates a national television network, called Das Erste ("The First") to differentiate it from ZDF, a.k.a. – just the numbers. My account for Hamburg still shows a €400,- unpaid balance for a three month rental.Because of… The color map is shown for the forecast of the next day, the forecast for the subsequent days is not colored. Directly from the ARD ZDF German Broadcast Contribution Services (ARD ZDF Deutschlandradio Beitragsservice) either via www.rundfunkbeitrag.de or by calling their pay hotline on weekdays from 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. at 01806 99955501. In 2009, in northeast Germany, 27°C is shown without red hot colors. Then in 2019, even a relatively cool 22°C (72°F) gets shown as red hot. Among those planning to use remote production are Germany public broadcasters ZDF and ARD who share the domestic rights. "das Zweite" ("The Second"), which started 1963, as a separate public TV-broadcaster. ZDF (stylised as 2DF) is one of two public broadcasting organisations in Germany, the other being ARD. What follows is a forecast chart from 2014 on ZDF public television: Here in the above video you’ll see that 25°C is designated by a light orange, and not dark red. The German title of the above chart reads: “Fühlen Sie sich manipuliert?” (“Do you feel manipulated?”. Good one. What follows next is a screen shot from an ARD weather forecast made in 2008: Above we see a low key chart in plain green. It has not happened until today, the year is 2021 now! ARD, abréviation d'Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (en français : « Communauté de travail des établissements de radiodiffusion de droit public de la République fédérale d'Allemagne »), est un groupement public de neuf radiodiffuseurs régionaux allemands. Follow the rules and everything will be fine Follow the rules and everything will be fine Happy 2021, everybody. Taming the red? German public television is splashing red on its weather forecast charts to make people think it’s hot. This year it seems the ARD has tamed its red colors somewhat. • Gallery of manipulation picture • Photoshop • Mind Blowing A perfect description of the present time. More stage makeup! Die Tagesschau (eigene Schreibweise: tagesschau) ist eine Nachrichtensendung der ARD, die von ARD-aktuell produziert und täglich mehrmals im Ersten, auf tagesschau24 und als Live-Stream auf tagesschau.de[2] sowie als Hauptausgabe um 20 Uhr zusätzlich in den Dritten Fernsehprogrammen (außer MDR), Phoenix, 3sat, tagesschau 24 und ARD-alpha ausgestrahlt wird. Quick, the viewers are distracted by such boring things as banks imploding, complete aviation and auto firms biting the dust, jobs flying out the window. Dorothea Mackellar had written a most beautiful poem describing her love for Australia. 2019-03-06T13:22:46.493Z What follows is a forecast chart from 2014 on ZDF public television: Here in the above video you’ll see that 25°C is designated by a light orange, and not dark red. Unlike ARD, ZDF is not divided into regional units, and only broadcasts on television and not radio. MANIPULATION - OFFICIAL FANPAGE metal band from Poland contact: manipulation@interia.pl Taming the red? En fait, il se compose de 9 stations de radiodiffusi… Les chaînes : ARD, ZDF, RTL, Pro7, Sat1, Vox, NRD, WDR, Kabel1, RTL2, RTL Now Of course, the asparagus is going gangbusters this spring, always hunt for asparagus this time of year. More information at our Data Privacy Policy, "Not here to worship what is known, but to question it" - Jacob Bronowski. Retrouvez le programme TV de ZDF de ce jour et ne manquez plus vos émissions, séries TV, films, documentaires ou reportages. I well remember working in Sydney and they were saying 42, yet we only got to 32. ZDF is the acronym of "Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen" (Second German Television). If anything, there is a cooling trend going on in the Northern Hemisphere. – just the numbers. Then in 2019, even a relatively cool 22°C (72°F) gets shown as red hot. What follows is an image from today’s weather forecast: Temperatures in the mid 20s are now shown as light red. Jointly with Discovery, ARD and ZDF will be able to broadcast the Olympic Games on all platforms and distribution infrastructures,” said Ulrich Wilhelm, ARD’s head of sports rights. PHOENIX – ARD and ZDF Langer Grabenweg 45–47 • 53 175 Bonn Phone +49 (0) 22 89 58 40 www.phoenix.de ARD Koordination 3sat Bayerischer Rundfunk - BR Floriansmühlstraße 60 • 80939 München Telefon: +49 (0) 89 59 00 01 www.3sat.de ARTE Deutschland TV GmbH Schützenstraße 1 • 76 530 Baden-Baden Phone +49 (0) 7 22 19 36 90 www.arte.tv WHAT WE DO • TV the radio drama … – just the numbers. The third chart, as already mentioned, is from another source: website: wetter.de. Climate and energy news from Germany in English - by Pierre L. Gosselin, Public Manipulation: German ARD Television Using Red Hot Weather Charts For Showing Cool Temperatures, https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/2020/06/05/bbcs-fake-claim-about-hottest-may/, https://zh-prod-1cc738ca-7d3b-4a72-b792-20bd8d8fa069.storage.googleapis.com/s3fs-public/styles/inline_image_desktop/public/inline-images/BBC.png, Il problema è l'anidride carbonica? There is one border open, up! At Facebook, Akinom Dnagiew posted two fascinating side-by-side weather charts used by German ARD public television for weather forecasting: Readers will notice how in 2009 a calm, neutral chart was used for showing the day’s high temperatures, in Celsius. I ask periodically to clear the mismanagement of that account. Okay, but let’s be fair. This is the second stanza of that famous poem: I love a sunburnt country, The propaganda children at ARD seemed to have initially only the red crayon left in the box, later they acquired a green crayon. They took part in a virtual roundtable discussion with the USA’s NBC and Canada’s CBC to reveal how their plans have changed as a result of the year-long delay and ongoing pandemic. If you continue to use this website without changing your cookie settings or you click "Accept" below then you are consenting to this. In 2019, on the other hand, a viewer way up in northern Germany might even start sweating a little bit from all the hot looking red, even though the high is expected to be only 20°C (68°F). On May 10th 1987 the lilacs were in full bloom. - CLIMA INCOMPIUTO. If in the unlikely event that they correct themselves it will probably happen on some weekend news at midnight (or later) broadcast when few people are listening. The wide brown land for me! Put this together with the unrelenting use of ‘trick’ images of power stations (or anything similar, except windmills and solar panels of course) appearing to belch huge amounts of dark ‘pollution’ into the sky whenever the MSM report mentions ‘climate’, and the population sees only the view that these promoting this propaganda want it to see. And: Hamburg Spring Arriving Later…. A land of sweeping plains, A new design for ZDF was created by Lee Hunt in February 2000. =======================================. Now it seems to be hot even when it’s relatively cool! I visit your great country regularly to visit my close relatives living in a Penrith suburb. I was hoping this thread gets deleted or corrrected as it is Fake News. Image cropped from the ARD tagesschau.de. Hat-tip: reader Taylor Martin I love her jewel-sea, But then 10 years later, in 2019, the ARD was using more dramatic and aggressive color scheme to represent temperatures. In the Year 2017 ARD, ZDF, Deutschlandradio Beitragsservice charged €400,- fee for a three month rental in Hamburg. The chart for 2009 shows the 3-day forecast, which according to ARD in fact has not changed. CORRECTION: The ARD has not changed its color scheme. In 1976, Otl Aicher, a graphic designer, created ZDF's corporate design. Km – Area As Big As Saudi Arabia. What follows next is a screen shot from an ARD weather forecast made in 2008: Above we see a low key chart in plain green. This is on par with the Australian ABCs disgraceful and unprofessional coverage of the bushfires here last summer. Wie man manipulierte Videos erkennt - Tipps und Beispiele zu ‘face swap’, ‘frame reshuffling’ und Stimmenmanipulation von Julia Bayer / Digger Project: [1][2][3] Launched on April 1, 1963. Okay, but let’s be fair. I remember one report where they crossed over to a reporter on the NSW South Coast at around 10.30am and she said it was “already” at 24. Meanwhile Elon Musk just did it – a successful Dragon launch and ISSdocking after 9 O’bama delay. German public television is splashing red on its weather forecast charts to make people think it’s hot. It was not! No psychological color manipulations. Posted in Data Manipulation, Media / Bias | 13 Responses. The German title of the above chart reads: “Fühlen Sie sich manipuliert?” (“Do you feel manipulated?”. Now it seems to be hot even when it’s relatively cool! Achetez le design « Lavage de cerveau ARD & ZDF » par TimeSigns sur les produits suivants : While from October, it shows in principle why the above is wrong news. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. On May 20th of this year the lilacs were finally in bloom. Image cropped from the ARD tagesschau.de. This year it seems the ARD has tamed its red colors somewhat. What follows next is a screen shot from an ARD weather forecast made in 2008: Above we see a low key chart in plain green. / sarc. The 2019 is the forecast chart for the day, and this 1-day chart uses a different color code for temperature. ZDF's animated station-identity mascots, the Mainzelmännchen (a play on the words "Mainz" and "Heinzelmännchen"), created by Wolf Gerlach for the channel's launch in 1963, quickly became popular and are still shown between commercials. Well, for the same reason that the weather reports contain maps with emotive colouring instead of neutral colours, of course. We also had a very nasty development where forecasted maximums were “off the chart” in the 40s but were never reached. Looking at the chart from 2009, one sees the temperatures figures are high, yet we don’t get a hot visual impression. Today the climate liars hide the true world climate history from our children. I love her far horizons, If you are red/green colorblind you would notice any difference. But then 10 years later, in 2019, the ARD was using more dramatic and aggressive color scheme to represent temperatures. Au début du duel entre chaînes publiques et chaînes privées, l'ARD et la ZDF ont voulu battre les chaînes privées en augmentant la part de divertissement populaire dans leurs grilles de programmes, pour ressembler davantage à ces chaînes privées, mais très vite, elles ont abandonnés cette idée, conscientes qu'elles allaient finalement perdre leurs spécificités. Climate Insanity: German Greens, Conservatives Push For 100s Of Wind Turbines In Black Forest! Okay, but let’s be fair. more information Accept, The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible.

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