Wekinator passes it on to "input_from_wekinator". Some tools/scripts to work with the WBT 202 GPS Tracker, microsite for the maeve project. Grundlagen der prozessorientierten Gestaltung". An experiment on location based triggers. Whenever a student needs to know if the Interface Lab is open for consultation he just can load the site. FHP-Genderpreis 2020 geht an Designstudentin Marie Dietze Marie Dietze, Absolventin des Fachbereichs Design, wird für ihre Masterarbeit „Assembling Fragments – Exploring Feminist Modes of Hacking through Design“ mit dem Genderpreis der FH Potsdam ausgezeichnet. A check list for creating the documentation for the seminar Input/Output - basics of process oriented design ("Eingabe/Ausgabe. VIKUS Viewer. Below you find an overview of selected projects. The Interaction Design Lab is the research laboratory of the Interface Design Programme at the University of Applied Sciences in Potsdam, Germany. basic examples using johnny five with particle photon. or. 577 likes. Sketch "output_to_wekinator" takes `mouseX` and sends it to the Wekinator. Renders digital elevation models using webgl. Summer 2020. 5 0 An experiment on location based triggers. 1,712 people follow this. Results of the FH Potsdam participation of the Microsoft Research Design Expo. DIY (Multi) Touch (less) Human Computer Interaction (Projektwochen), This repo is 4 the course "Eingabe, Ausgabe. Project. Forgot account? Feminist Scrollytelling: Visual data essays about intersectionality. Entdecke (und sammle) deine eigenen Pins bei Pinterest. 1 2 A example repo for the seminar Input Output (Eingabe Ausgabe) Fundamentals of process-oriented design. The lab is a space for international interaction design experts from industry and academia. Kiepenheuerallee 5 (5,012.80 mi) Potsdam, Germany 14469. Community See All. Shell Script for creating Raspberry PI SD card on OS X. OpenLayers 3 for terrain data. A example repo for the seminar Input Output (Eingabe Ausgabe) Fundamentals of process-oriented design. Hinter nachfolgendem Link finden Sie eine Übersicht aller angebotenen Studiengänge des Fachbereichs. Check out our new and improved places directory. Naršyti vietoves. See FH-Potsdam/tobii_eyetracker instead, reading data from the tobii eyetracker with Processing used @FH-Potsdam, a TUIO touch particle system written for block seminar @FH-Potsdam Werkstattpraxis 14W4D-IL Interface-Labor WS 2013/2014, **this is "proof of concept" software** Use package.json parameters at your Vagrantfile, Source files for a video workshop @FHPotsdam for the seminar Lost in Navigation https://incom.org/workspace/6888 by Prof. Myriel Milicevic and Fabian Morón Zirfas, Course on Visual Information Exploration WS 2013/14, © FH-Potsdam InterfaceDesign 2013-2016 “Jack in a Box” is attempt to design a prototyping framework for connected devices. In close cooperation with domain experts and analysts and within the framework of user-centered design, concepts of data-based storytelling are investigated, developed in the form of functional prototypes, and evaluated with authors and readers. The Interaction Design Lab is the research laboratory of the Interface Design Programme at the University of Applied Sciences in Potsdam, Germany. Not Now. It is based on the master thesis by Victor Vina “Box. Get Directions +49 331 5801401. interface.fh-potsdam… Microsoft Research Design Expo Inclusive Design & Technologies. Grundlagen der prozessorientierten Gestaltung by Monika Hoinkis and Fabian Morón Zirfas, Öffentliches Material zum Studiengang Interface Design an der FH-Potsdam. 110 were here. Explore cultural collections along time, texture and themes. Offizielle Seite des Fachbereichs Design der FH Potsdam. 108 were here. The Design Department at Fachhochschule Potsdam University of Applied Sciences on Academia.edu Öffentliches Material zum Studiengang Interface Design an der FH-Potsdam. DEPRECATED "Knowledge Exchange" Repository for tracking resources of the Incom workspace. See it online at https://interface.fh-potsdam.de/maeve/, Course code repository for the "Map Interfaces" class from the Interface design programme at the University of Applied Sciences in Potsdam, Germany, mtmi-AgathaCrystal created by GitHub Classroom, mtmi-DanEglau created by GitHub Classroom, mtmi-dISCOeRG0sUM created by GitHub Classroom, mtmi-fabianmoronzirfas created by GitHub Classroom, mtmi-fatherhummingbird created by GitHub Classroom, mtmi-SchmittVa created by GitHub Classroom, mtmi-The-bastART created by GitHub Classroom. Offizielle Seite des Fachbereichs Design der FH Potsdam. College & University in Potsdam, Germany. An interdisciplinary project course on editorial design, information visualization and intersectional feminism at Fachhochschule Potsdam during the summer term 2019. some small tools for setting up github repositories. When you use Places, It tells you if the lab is open. 112 were here. The Product Design Department at Fachhochschule Potsdam University of Applied Sciences on Academia.edu Log In. Grundlagen der prozessorientierten Gestaltung"). Move along, ATtiny microcontroller support for the Arduino IDE, BC×3 I @ University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (Germany), BC×3 II @ University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (Germany), written for block seminar @FH-Potsdam Werkstattpraxis 14W4D-IL Interface-Labor WS 2013/2014, A study courses viewer using the FH-Potsdam/coursesAPI, All Coding Sessions from the seminar Creative Technologists - Tracing the City https://fhp.incom.org/workspace/8527, assigment for the seminar CT - Tracing the city, Keyboardhack template for the seminar creative Technologist, Boilerplate/Template for the seminar Creative Technologist - Excercise Making Things Move, ct-mtm-a-joseph14 created by GitHub Classroom, ct-mtm-aaengelberg created by GitHub Classroom, ct-mtm-AgathaCrystal created by GitHub Classroom, ct-mtm-carl-qq created by GitHub Classroom, ct-mtm-fabianmoronzirfas created by GitHub Classroom, ct-mtm-kochlisa created by GitHub Classroom, ct-mtm-The-bastART created by GitHub Classroom, How to for generating GCode through SVG from code, cti-a-joseph14 created by GitHub Classroom, cti-aaengelberg created by GitHub Classroom, cti-AgathaCrystal created by GitHub Classroom, cti-AGlazkova created by GitHub Classroom, cti-ahaahaahaa created by GitHub Classroom, cti-BabalouBoi created by GitHub Classroom, cti-dISCOeRG0sUM created by GitHub Classroom, cti-fabianmoronzirfas created by GitHub Classroom, cti-fatherhummingbird created by GitHub Classroom, cti-kennyloeffler created by GitHub Classroom, cti-milanwulf created by GitHub Classroom, cti-SchmittVa created by GitHub Classroom, cti-The-bastART created by GitHub Classroom, ctk-a-joseph14 created by GitHub Classroom, ctk-aaengelberg created by GitHub Classroom, ctk-AgathaCrystal created by GitHub Classroom, ctk-AGlazkova created by GitHub Classroom, ctk-ahaahaahaa created by GitHub Classroom, ctk-BabalouBoi created by GitHub Classroom, ctk-dISCOeRG0sUM created by GitHub Classroom, ctk-fabianmoronzirfas created by GitHub Classroom, ctk-fatherhummingbird created by GitHub Classroom, ctk-milanwulf created by GitHub Classroom, ctk-SchmittVa created by GitHub Classroom, ctk-The-bastART created by GitHub Classroom, Dataviz Challenges 2013 - class material from the interface design programme @ FH Potsdam, Starter kit for the seminar "Creative Technologists - Tracing the City" @ University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (Germany) by Fabian Morón Zirfas, proof of concept on how build a docker container for Node.js apps, Some simple sketches for using the schmalzhaus - easydriver, a microsite for the seminar Eingabe/Ausgabe in 2014/2015 - 2015 - 2015/2016, Visualization of the Natural Hazards listed by the NASA Earth Observatory in 2015, Python addon for creating paper models in Blender 2.7 (development version), Examples for learning the basics of Adobe ExtendScript @FH-Potsdam with a focus on InDesign, import tilemill images to InDesign and map coordiantes onto it, Index of public and open source projects created at the University of Applied Sciences in Potsdam, Germany, A scrapper for extracting courses information of the University of Applied Science Potsdam, Script to simplify VPN usage on campus @vicegold. Editorial Design & Information Visualization, Summer 2019 Prof. Franziska Morlok & Prof. Dr. Marian Dörk. In 2014, the World Health Organization radically revised their definition of disability. DNBVIS. @author mphasize, Documentation of the seminar "prototyping-machines" @ University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (Germany), Framework for presenting visualizations in exhibitions, public demonstration or similar use cases. The Interaction Design Lab is the research laboratory of the Interface Design Programme at the University of Applied Sciences in Potsdam, Germany. A Brief History of CO2 Emissions. Willkommen am Fachbereich Design Charakteristisch für den Fachbereich Design ist die enge Verzahnung seiner Studiengänge Interface-, Kommunikations- und Produktdesign und Europäische Medienwissenschaft, einem Kooperationsprojekt mit der Universität Potsdam. In the last few years, we have been working on both academic as well as industry research. simple processing sketches to help with Human Interaction Device hacking. An interactive map of Taipei that let's you explore the city through its unique sounds. Website https://www.fh -potsdam.de/ President (legal representative) Prof. Dr. Eva Schmitt-Rodermund About the FHP The FHP is a young, dynamic University of Applied Sciences founded in 1991, which has already achieved a remarkable reputation. JavaScript. Shifted Maps visualizes personal movement data as a network of map extracts showing visited places. is-the-lab-open. Project. Open System for Connected People”. Build on top of Jekyll and Twitter Bootstrap A combined repo for the steel ants to add there data into. D3 Visualization experiments from the course: »Forschendes Lernen: New ways for visual pattern recognition«, WS2013/14, FH-Potsdam, A small Processing sketch that helps with the keyboard hack. Whenever a student needs to know if the Interface Lab is open for consultation he just can load the site. Logger utility functions for the "Forschungsfenster" software components. The lab is a space for international interaction design experts from industry and academia. As the name says it uses audio jacks as medium for communication. Interfacedesign FH Potsdam. This is a code repository for the spark workshops @ University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (Germany), This is a unified repository for the seminar "Eingabe, Ausgabe. 23.11.2018 - Mat Poussou hat diesen Pin entdeckt. 1,342 Followers, 427 Following, 308 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Design FH Potsdam (@fhpotsdam.design) The lab is a space for international interaction design experts from industry and academia. The course material consists of two main parts: lectures and tutorials. Coins. Interaction Design Lab University of Applied Sciences Potsdam, Multi-modal Interaction for Disaster Management, Portal and Visualization Design for Rhineland-Palatinate, Tangible Geo-Visualization of Architectural Projects, Tangible Exploration of Social and Intellectual Networks, Metadata for Architectural Contents in Europe, Visualizations for Network Security Dashboards, Interactive Visualizations in an Immersive Environment. To learn how to train the ML process see: http://www.wekinator.org/walkthrough/. Offizielle Seite des Fachbereichs Design der FH Potsdam. ... has been to familiarize students with the principles and methods of information visualization and to enable them to design, implement and deploy visualizations for data analysis and application scenarios in the information sciences and beyond. About See All. Der Fachbereich Design bietet Bachelor- und Masterstudiengänge sowohl im Bereich Design, als auch im Bereich Medienwissenschaften an. A simple setup for constantly recording with the Raspberry Pi camera and some LEDs to light u pthe scene. Repo for the course Eingabe, Ausgabe. Create New Account. IO-SoSe-2015-DATA. Das Interaction Design Lab ist die Forschungseinrichtung des Studiengangs Interface Design an der Fachhochschule Potsdam. ᴜᴄʟᴀʙ is a visualization research group situated between design, computing, and the humanities. 26.03.2019 - Llissa Canat hat diesen Pin entdeckt. the-ultimate-laser-guide for University of Applied Sciences Potsdam (Germany), reading data from the tobii eyetracker with R used @FH-Potsdam, This is DEPRECATED. Simplest sketches to get started with Wekinator and Processing. Visualizing a numismatic collection as heaps, streams, and plots. Project. Grundlagen der prozessorientierten Gestaltung" by Monika Hoinkis & Fabian Morón Zirfas, Repo for teaching collaborative workflows @FH-Potsdam 2014-SoSe-14W4D-IL-Blockseminar, this is just test code. The crux of this change was to define disability as context dependent rather than as an attribute of a person. Material for my Swift workshop about iOS Development for designers @FH Potsdam in July'16. Jahresausstellung aller Fachbereiche und vieler fachbereichsübergreifender Hochschul- und Kooperationsprojekte. 1,659 people like this. International conference on information design & visualization in Potsdam. Das Labor beherbergt ein internationales Team an Forscher_innen, Designer_innen und Entwickler_innen, die ihre Wurzeln in Wissenschaft und Industrie haben. Werkschau FH Potsdam. See more of Interfacedesign FH Potsdam on Facebook. Project. Places allows you to see where your friends are and share your location in the real world. 26 check-ins. Revision: ae16d64a5e759c1b82ca3edbb1d2402f7a62b6d2. Nothing to see here. Wrapper for the Shifted Maps project to be used in the coming exhibitions. An animated short film on greenhouse gas emissions . Some simple sketches for learning processing and openCV, Some sketches created @FH-Potsdam for showing processing.py. Entdecke (und sammle) deine eigenen Pins bei Pinterest.
Spiel Erstellen Roblox, Zeit Der Geheimnisse Staffel 2, Klinikum Fulda Station 4c, Kiosk Steinweg Wuppertal, Herzschlag Am Bauch Sichtbar Schwanger, Der Vollstrecker Chappy, Who Am I Ende Nicht Verstanden, Was Bedeutet Hagen In Ortsnamen, Gemeinde Wustermark Mitarbeiter, Hager Lmu Podcast, Helios Kwl Bedienungsanleitung,