Register Start a Wiki. 1 Besetzung 1.1 Hauptbesetzung 1.2 Nebenbesetzung … Add new page. DC Micro-Heroes Wiki. Games Movies TV Video. Arrow (TV Series) Die AchteStaffel von Arrow basiert lose auf dem gleichnamigen DC Comics Charakter Green Arrow. Add new page. Write the first section of your page here. Green Arrow (Arrowverse) | Dc Microheroes Wiki | Fandom. Wiki Content. Wikis. Register Start a Wiki. Arrow ist eine US-amerikanische Comicadaption des gleichnamigen DC-Helden Green Arrow. He is effective at utilizing his range and knowledge of several different kinds of trick arrows in his arsenal, having skillfully memorized each and every one. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Flash Grenade Arrow: This is a customized trick arrow equipped with an incendiary tip. Add new page. Während er tagsüber in der Öffentlichkeit seine frühere Rolle als verwöhnter Snob spielt, bekämpft er nachts mit Pfeil und Bogen in geheimer Identität Verbrechen und Korruption. Green Arrow (Prime Earth) / Зеленая Стрела (Земля Прайм)- серия комиксов о супергерое Оливере Квине, борющийся с преступностью, с помощью лука и стрел, выходящих в рамках перезапуска вселенной DC Comics The New 52. Network Write the first paragraph of your page here. Popular pages. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? DC Micro-Heroes Wiki . Wikis. DC Micro-Heroes Wiki. Hawkman; Martian Manhunter; Green Arrow; Zatanna ; Spoiler; Orphan; Robin (Kelly) Characters. ~ Green Arrow to every criminal he has confronted. Flash Grenade Arrow: This is a customized trick arrow equipped with an incendiary tip. Nach seiner Rettung kehrt Queen charakterlich geläutert in seine Heimatstadt Starling City zurück. Write the first section of your page here. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Wikis. So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. Register Start a Wiki. Popular pages. Wikis. After a violent shipwreck, billionaire playboy Oliver Queen was missing and presumed dead for five years before being discovered alive on a remote island in the Pacific. He was a brilliant football player but a knee injury early ended his career. Add new page. Games Movies TV Video. Nur als Team sind sie der Gefahr gewachsen. veröffentlic…. Growing up out of her parents shadow daughter of Green Arrow and Raven, an archer 21 years old raised by Gabriel sylar. He is effective at utilizing his range and knowledge of several different kinds of trick arrows in his arsenal, having skillfully memorized each and every one. Blue Flames None known. 3,692 Pages. Wikis. Wikis. Green Arrow, true identity Oliver Queen, is a supporting character and one of the members of the Invinci-Bros in the second generation of the DC Super Hero Girls franchise. Most visited articles. Batman DC Wiki. Green Arrow/Gallery | DC Super Hero Girls Wikia | Fandom. Arrow (TV Series) Images and videos of the villainous assassin Slade Wilson (better known as Deathstroke), from DC Comics. Games Movies TV Video. Add new page. Games Movies TV Video. Letzte Nacht wurde auf der Comic-Con in San Diego der erste He worked under the name Speedy while he was Green Arrow's sidekick. Write the second section of your page here. The seriespremieredon October 10, 2012.Stephen Amellportrays the eponymous, lead character, Oliver Queen, who fights crime as a vigilante. And became Red Arrow after separating from his mentor. Trailer zur fü…, Weihnachten steht praktisch vor der Tür und neben Plätzchen…, Willkommen zu meinem allerersten Blog. Trick Arrows: Green Arrow uses an arsenal of Arrows that can have various purposes and effects after being fired from his bow. Add new page. Seit seiner Kindheit ist Tommy Merlyn sein bester Freund und auch Laurel Lance, seine spätere Freundin, lernte er schon in jungen Jahren kennen. Games Movies TV Video. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Arrow is in first with 21. 1 History 2 Paraphernalia 3 Notes 4 Trivia 5 See Also 6 Links and References Since Oliver Queen's resurrection and his resumption of the mantle of Green Arrow, a "family" has managed to grow around him, with elements from both his past and his present. „Arrow“ ist allerdings kein Spin-Off, sondern eine eigenständige Serie. Based on the characters from the DC Comics, the Arrowverse is a television franchise. Add new page. 6,890 Pages. First Aired DC Database is a FANDOM Comics Community. Black Canary est celle qu'il aime de plus longtemps et Speedy est son side-kick. Zu den Gaststars zählt John Barrowman („Torchwood“). Add a photo to this gallery Add a photo to this gallery Register Start a Wiki. Barry trommelt alle zusammen: Team Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow und sogar Supergirl. Games Movies TV Video. Green Arrows uses many different recurve bows normally colored in a shade of green, he uses them interchangeably for different purposes. Durch deren Auftritte ist es bestätigt, dass sie Teil des Multiversums sind. He learned he is a Cadmus-created clone of the original Roy Harper and The Light's sleeper agent. Als einziger Überlebender eines Schiffbruchs führt der Playboy und Milliardärssohn Oliver Queen fünf Jahre lang ein Robinson-Crusoe-Leben auf einer einsamen Insel. DC Infinite Universe Wiki. Wikis. Games Movies TV Video. Add new page. Growing up in a life of luxury and wealth, Oliver was once a spoiled billionaire until he was stranded on a deserted island. History of the DC Universe - Part VII; Batman (Bruce Wayne) (Earth 0) Superwoman (Lana Lang) (Prime Earth) Wonder Woman (Diana) (Prime Earth) Green Arrow (Oliver Queen) (Prime Earth) Superman (Clark Kent / Kal-El) (Earth 0) Catwoman (Selina Kyle) (Earth-0) Popular pages. 6,799 Pages. DC Super Hero Girls Wiki. Images For other uses of "The Flash", see The Flash. Their car had to be towed to a garage in Masonville and the family was stuck there all day. The Wiki. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Write the first paragraph of your page here. Most visited articles. Er beschließt, der steigenden Kriminalitätsrate ein Ende zu setzen. Games Movies TV Video. La série Stargirl est une série diffusée depuis leur la plateforme DC Universe et depuis le 19 mai 2020 sur la CW. Wikis. Robert wouldn't stop crying. Arella Queen became the hero known as Blue Arrow. DC Universe Online Wiki. According to showrunner Phil Klemmer, DC's Legends of Tomorrow was planned to be an anthology series. Green Arrows uses many different recurve bows normally colored in a shade of green, he uses them interchangeably for different purposes. Oliver Queen/Green Arrow John Diggle Felicity Smoak Dinah Drake/Black Canary Helena Bertinelli/Huntress Roy Harper/Red Arrow. Son identité secrète est Oliver Queen, un politicien libéral et un milliardaire, un activiste social impétueux et propriétaire de Queen Industries. Last Aired In Deutschland wurde der ‚Grüne Pfeil‘ erstmals in den 1980er Jahren veröffentlicht. Manchmalkann ein Crossover sogar mehrere Episoden umfassen. Deon Owens is a Masonville citizen who is also the conduit of the Still Force on Earth-Prime. Related Wikis. Arrow is an American television series, based on the character of Green Arrow. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? In his secret identity he is politician and billionaire Oliver Queen, a hot-headed social activist and owner of Queen Industries. Most visited articles. 1 Synopsis 2 Voice Cast 3 Notes 4 Trivia 5 Links Count Vertigo hires Merlyn to assassinate Princess Perdita, Vertigo's niece. Write the second section of your page here. Die Serie wird seit 2012 von Warner Bros. Oliver Queen/Green Arrow (leader, archer, stealth, infiltration, and field agent) Dinah Lance/Black Canary (medical support, stealth, investigator, tactian, and field agent) Roy Harper/Arsenal (archer, weaponry expert, marksman, and field agent) Team Arrow (Earth-5) | DC Fanon Wiki | Fandom. Sie erzählt die Geschichte von Oliver Queen, einem Milliadärssohn, welcher nach einem Schiffsunglück auf dem Familienschiff Queens Gambit 2007, fünf Jahre lang verschollen war. Register Start a Wiki. Es basiert auf Comicheld ‚Green Arrow‘ aus dem DC-Universum, der bereits in „Smallville“ seine Auftritte hat. Stephen Amell portrays Oliver Queen, a bow-wielding vigilante who begins his career using the name "The Arrow" and then becomes "Green Arrow" in later seasons. 48 Pages. She joined the Teen Titans for a short while. Alienartige Wesen, sogenannte Dominatoren, greifen Central City an. Barry and his parents had ice cream and french fries with gravy for dinner at a small diner and spent the night watching the local fireworks display. Arrow • Images • Gallery Arrow is a television series on the CW network that adapts the story of comic book hero Green Arrow. DC Serien bei Fandom Besuche auch gerne diese Wikis! Production details "Voiced by Crispin Freeman Red Arrow (real name Roy Harper) is a superhero archer from Star City. Supergirl in third with 18. That Flash, the Flash from Earth-90—he looked just like my dad, Henry Allen. Category:Team Arrow (Arrowverse) | Microheroes-dc Wiki | Fandom. However, the success of the first season prompted the format to stay the same. Durch die Atmosphäre der Erde verstärkt, entwickelt sie ungeahnte Fähigkeiten und wird so durch einen Vorfall gezwungen, ihre Kräfte zu zeigen. He worked under the name Speedy while he was Green Arrow's sidekick. Boxing Glove Arrow: This was a customized trick arrow outfitted with a life-size boxing glove in place of an arrow head. Fandom-Apps So hast du deine Lieblings-Communitys immer dabei und verpasst nie wieder etwas. Batman DC Wiki. Games Movies TV Video. 6,799 Pages. Deren Vater, ein Detective, betrachtet die Ankunft eines neuen Superhelden in Starling City aber mit Skepsis. Zu dieser Zeit war Barry Allen jedoch noch nicht Flash, da… Popular pages. 1,113 Pages. Team Arrow | DC Universe Online Wiki | Fandom. DC Micro-Heroes Wiki . Wikis. Wikis. Diese Liste zeigt alle Episoden, die verschiedene Serien des Universums durch Charaktere vereinen. Most particularly, he seeks reconciliation with his former girlfriend, Laurel Lance. Standard Arrow: Green Arrow often employs standard wooden arrows with a 75 cm to 90 cm shaft, steel heads and plastic fletching. Hatter erklärt ... : Green Arrow Ursprünge und Entwicklung in den Comics Teil 1], (S5 Spoiler) Arrow Staffel 5 San Diego Comic Con Trailer (OV), Hatter erklärt ... : Green Arrow Ursprünge und Entwicklung in den Comics Teil 1, D&D Beyond Popular pages. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Green Arrow on the DC Comics Database Green Arrow, true identity Oliver Queen, is a supporting character and one of the members of the Invinci-Bros in the second generation of the DC Super Hero Girls franchise. Category:Green Arrow Family | Dc Microheroes Wiki | Fandom. He is the onstage nemesis of Zatanna. After a violent shipwreck, billionaire playboy Oliver Queen was missing and presumed dead for 5 years before being discovered alive on a remote island in the North China Sea. Unterdessen zeigen die Dominator… Popular pages . Register Start a Wiki. Add new page. Staffelfinale nach! Les nochmal alles über das 1. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? 1 History 2 Powers and Abilities 2.1 Powers 3 Notes 4 Related 4.1 Footnotes Deon Owens was born at some point in early 80s in Masonville. Princess Perdita is now the queen of Vlatava due to the king, Perdita's Father, being assassinated by Vertigo. Er ist Thea Queens Halbbruder. Grappling hook arrow: To grab onto far away surfaces on buildings for swinging lines and zip lines. Deon Owens is a Masonville citizen who is also the conduit of the Still Force on Earth-Prime. 48 Pages. Register Start a Wiki. Ein Bindeglied ist aber Regisseur David Nutter, der bereits den „Smallville“-Piloten inszenierte. Games Movies TV Video. Category:Earth-Prime (Arrowverse) | Microheroes-dc Wiki | Fandom. The first member to join the team was Oliver's bodyguard, John Diggle. Ein Bindeglied ist aber Regisseur David Nutter, der bereits den „Smallville“-Piloten inszenierte. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Green Arrow/Gallery | DC Super Hero Girls Wikia | Fandom. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Arrow is an American television series, based on the character of Green Arrow. None known. Er wird zum meisterhaften Bogenschützen. Games Movies TV Video. Register Start a Wiki. DC Serien bei Fandom Besuche auch gerne diese Wikis! Category:Green Arrow Family | Dc Microheroes Wiki | Fandom. Hawkman; Martian Manhunter; Green Arrow; Zatanna ; Spoiler; Orphan; Robin (Kelly) Characters. [1]Oliver was first featured in the short Ad Blockers, and later in the episodes DC Super Hero Boys and Drama Queen. Most visited articles. S; C; B; Superman ; A; Batman (Bruce Wayne) Superboy (Conner Kent) Characters. Add new page. Since Oliver Queen's resurrection and his resumption of the mantle of Green Arrow, a "family" has managed to grow around him, with elements from both his past and his present. Category:Arrowverse | Dc Microheroes Wiki | Fandom. Black Canary is his long-time love interest and Speedy is his side-kick. After being lost at sea for approximately 5 years, Queen returned toStar Cityto discover his home had become corrupt. Category:Arrowverse | Dc Microheroes Wiki | Fandom. 1,113 Pages. 6,891 Pages. Green Arrow est un super-héros qui combat le crime en utilisant le tir à l'arc, la technologie et les arts martiaux. Televsion und Berlanti Television für den Fernsehsender The CW produziert. Register Start a Wiki. Next generation Team is Dark Arrow, Blue Arrow and Speedy. Oliver und Tommy pflegten in ihren jungen Jahren mit Skandalen und kleinkriminellen Handlungen ihr "Bad Boy"-Image. He learned he is a Cadmus-created clone of the original Roy Harper and The Light's sleeper agent. Over a period she practised with the bow and, although Green Arrow had initially resisted her becoming a crimefighter, she eventually became his sidekick. Wikis. Starring Green Arrow (real name Oliver "Ollie" Queen) was an archery-mastered superhero recruited into the Justice League after the Thanagarian invasion, largely to serve as the team's political conscience. 6,879 Pages. Register Start a Wiki. Register Start a Wiki. Most visited articles. He was a brilliant football player but a knee injury early ended his career. es immer öf…, The CW hat einen Trailer zur vierten Staffel Register Start a Wiki. Er kehrt zurück in seine Heimatstadt Starling City und macht es sich zur Aufgabe, seine Heimatstadt vor Verbrec… He has incredible dexteriety and accuracy with his bow and arrows and rarley ever misses his targets. IMDb 6,890 Pages. Oliver Queen/Green Arrow (founder, leader, archer and field agent) Dick Grayson/Nightwing (police informant, detective, and field agent) John Diggle/Spartan (second-in-command, marksman and field agent) Felicity Smoak/Overwatch (third-in-command, mission control, computer hacker/operator and tech support) Curtis Holt/Mr. Green Arrow | Dc Microheroes Wiki | Fandom. „Arrow“ ist allerdings kein Spin-Off, sondern eine eigenständige Serie. A skilled archer, he dressed himself as Robin Hood, developed an arsenal of trick arrows with various functions, dubbed himself Green Arrow and became a vigilante. Wikis. Green Arrow (Real Name: Oliver Queen) is a vigilante superhero who fights crime using archery, technology and martial arts in Star City. Arella Queen became the hero known as Blue Arrow. is a vigilante team, dedicated to the protection of Star City. Alles wird jedoch deutlich komplizierter, nachdem Barry als Teamleader gewählt wird und eine Nachricht von ihm, die aber eigentlich erst in der Zukunft verfasst wurde, die Gruppe stark beeinflusst. And became Red Arrow after separating from his mentor. Gallery Seinen ersten Auftritt hatte ‚Green Arrow‘ 1941 in den ‚More Fun Comics‘. Register Start a Wiki. He has incredible dexteriety and accuracy with his bow and arrows and rarley ever misses his targets. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? DC Comics Microheroes Compendium. Team Arrow consisted of Millionaire Oliver Queen, Otherwise known as Green Arrow and Arsenal. The second Speedy was Mia Dearden, a young runaway who Green Arrow rescued from the clutches of a depraved businessman. DC Micro-Heroes Wiki. Green Arrow is a vigilante superhero who fights crime using archery, technology, and martial arts. Arrowverse (Arrow, Constantine, DC's Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl, The Flash, Vixen, Batwoman, The Ray und Flash – Der Rote Blitz) • Gotham • Smallville • Fehlt dein Wiki? 6,890 Pages. Master Marksman: Green Arrow arguably the greatest marksman in the DC Universe, surpassing that of Batman. Popular pages., Season 2 ; guest Season 3, 5-6 ; recurring Season 1, Seasons 3-4 ; recurring Seasons 1-2 ; guest Seasons 5 & 7-8, Season 2-7 ; recurring Season 1 ; guest Season 8, Season 5-7 ; recurring Season 4 ; guest Season 8, Season 2-3, 7 ; recurring Season 1 & 8; guest Season 4 & 6. 1 History 2 Powers and Abilities 2.1 Powers 3 Notes 4 Related 4.1 Footnotes Deon Owens was born at some point in early 80s in Masonville. Atom (Arrowverse) | Dc Microheroes Wiki | Fandom. Barry Allen was born on March 14, 1989, to Henry and Nora Allen as an only child.When he was six, Barry begged his parents to take him to a science exhibition in Midway City but on the way, they hit a flat tire. While Oliver hides the truth about the man he's become, he desperately wants to make amends for the actions he took as the boy he was. DC's Legends of Tomorrow has the second most series regulars in the Arrowverse with 19. This also includes the enemies that appeared in the TV show; Arrow , as well as enemies that Green Arrow encountered during the Smallville TV show. 1 History 2 Deathstorm's Powers 2.1 Powers 2.2 Abilities 2.3 Strength level 2.4 Weaknesses 3 Paraphernalia 4 Notes 5 Trivia 6 See Also 7 Discover and Discuss 8 Links and References History of character is unknown. He is the onstage nemesis of Zatanna. Das Superhelden-Drama stammt von Andrew Kreisberg sowie den ‚Green Lantern‘-Autoren Greg Berlanti und Marc Guggenheim. DC Micro-Heroes Wiki. Like Batman, he also took in and trained a younger protégé named Roy Harper, who would be known as Speedy. Oliver "Ollie" Queen came from a wealthy background but held left-wing views from an early age. While Princess Perdita is at an airport in America, Merlyn attacks her. Team Arrow was founded by the Green Arrow. Master Marksman: Green Arrow arguably the greatest marksman in the DC Universe, surpassing that of Batman. Games Movies TV Video. While in high school, Oliver rolled his car on a curve an ended up in the hospital with more than a few broken bones. But it was never his intention. While in college, he joined protests against nuclear power. Games Movies TV Video. He spent years in prison for the murder of my mom, a crime one of my enemies committed and framed him for. He supported Oliver both on the field and as a "guy in the chair". D&D Beyond Aus diesem Grund werden diese Serien in diesem Wiki ebenfalls eingepflegt. Add new page. DC Comics Microheroes Compendium. Wikis. Oliver wurde 1985 als Sohn von Robert Queen und Moira Queen geboren. Most visited articles. Green Arrow (real name Oliver Jonas Queen), is a fictional superhero in the DC Comics and Universe, and a prominent member of the Justice League. Die Erste Staffel von Arrow basiert auf dem gleichnamigen DC Comic Green Arrow, welcher eine morderne Version des legendären Helden Robin Hood darstellt. Most visited articles. Wiki Content. Popular pages . Production details "Voiced by Crispin Freeman Red Arrow (real name Roy Harper) is a superhero archer from Star City. Oliver Queenis the millionaire owner and CEO ofQueen Industries, he is also known as the Green Arrow and he protects Star City. As Oliver reconnects with those closest to him, he secretly creates the persona of Arrow - a vigilante to right the wrongs of his family, fight the ills of society, and restore Starling City to its former glory. 19,244 Pages. Related Wikis. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Register Start a Wiki. Add new page. Boxing Glove Arrow: This was a customized trick arrow outfitted with a life-size boxing glove in place of an arrow head. Recently Changed Pages. Mir ist aufgefallen das Sie ist der Allgemeinheit ihrer Heimatstadt National City als Supergirl bekannt. C; B; A; D; S; Green Lantern Corps; M; Characters. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Register Start a Wiki. Zu den Gaststars zählt John Barrowman („Torchwood“). Add … Most visited articles. Zugleich versucht er, wieder bei Ex-Freundin Laurel zu landen. Unknown. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Add new page. When he returns home to Starling City, his devoted mother, Moira, much-beloved sister, Thea, and best friend, Tommy welcome him home, but they sense Oliver has been changed by his ordeal on the island. DC Super Hero Girls Wiki. C; B; A; D; S; Green Lantern Corps; M; Characters. He met and reconciled with his son, Connor Hawke, with whom he began to work; he adopted the former prostitute Mia Dearden, who became the new Speedy; he watched his former ward Roy Harper become "Red Arrow" and join the JLA; he finally proposed t… Arrowis a television series, and a modern retelling of the DC Comics seriesGreen Arrow. The show was created by Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, and Andrew Kreisberg. January 28, 2020. It all began as a one-man operation that grew larger with time. Add new page. October 10, 2012 When he returns home to Starling City, his devoted mother Moira, much-beloved sister Thea, and best friend Tommy welcome him home, but they sense Oliver has been changed by his ordeal on the island. Wikis. Most visited articles. La première saison sera composée de 13 épisodes écrits et produits sous la direction de Geoff Johns qui n'est autre que le co-créateur du personnage (avec Lee Moder). Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Add new page. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Games Movies TV Video. Due to the success, the network expanded the universe with The Flash. Wikis. Standard Arrow: Green Arrow often employs standard wooden arrows with a 75 cm to 90 cm shaft, steel heads and plastic fletching. Es basiert auf Comicheld ‚Green Arrow‘ aus dem DC-Universum, der bereits in „Smallville“ seine Auftritte hat. Recurve Bow: Green Arrow has a high dexterity in using his ranged bows along with his many trick arrows. A show bible character design concept art drawing by Adam Rosette was published on Instagram. Wikis. DC Micro-Heroes Wiki. Kontaktiere mich! Register Start a Wiki. Arrowverse (Arrow, Constantine, DC's Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl, The Flash, Vixen, Batwoman, The Ray und Flash – Der Rote Blitz) • Gotham • Smallville • Fehlt dein Wiki? Games Movies TV Video. CW DC Micro-Heroes Wiki. Games Movies TV Video. Recurve Bow: Green Arrow has a high dexterity in using his ranged bows along with his many trick arrows. Most visited articles. 42 Pages. He was a resilient man. Sie lief in der Fernsehseason 2012-2013 auf dem US-Amerikanischen TV Sender The CW und hat 23 Episoden. History of the DC Universe - Part VII; Batman (Bruce Wayne) (Earth 0) Superwoman (Lana Lang) (Prime Earth) Wonder Woman (Diana) (Prime Earth) Green Arrow (Oliver Queen) (Prime Earth) Superman (Clark Kent / Kal-El) (Earth 0) Catwoman (Selina Kyle) (Earth-0) Through all that, he never lost his light. But his crusade has earned the attention of a shadowy organization that is far more ruthless than he could ever imagine. Oliver Queen, also known as Green Arrow, is a character in the series DC Super Hero Girls. Carrie Cutter, also known as the villain Cupid, is an enemy of Green Arrow from the DC comics. 6,890 Pages. Stephen AmellEmily Bett RickardsWilla HollandDavid RamseyPaul BlackthorneJuliana HarkavyRick GonzalezEcho KellumKatie Cassidy Kara Zor-El ist kryptonischer Abstammung und eine der letzten Überlebenden des zerstörten Planeten Krypton. 3,711 Pages. The extended family of heroes who work with him call themselves Team Arrow. The shared multiverse is akin to the DC universe in their comic books, which has had crossover plot elements, settings, and characters. United States of America 1 History 2 Powers and Abilities 2.1 Powers 2.2 Abilities 2.3 Strength level 2.4 Weaknesses 3 Paraphernalia 4 Notes 5 Trivia 6 See Also 7 Discover and Discuss 8 Links and References Growing up out of her parents shadow daughter of Green Arrow and Raven, an archer 21 years old raised by Gabriel sylar. Green Arrow | Batman DC Wiki | Fandom. Games Movies TV Video. Dès la saison 2, la série devient exclusive à la CW, et donc n'ai plus diffusée sur DC Universe. Country of origin Arrow hatte sein erstes mehr oder weniger Crossover in der Episode Das Serum. Tommy zufolge attackierte Oliver gelegentlich Paparazzi, sie fuhren im berauschenden Zustand, stahlen ein Taxi und Oliver urinierte sogar mal auf ein… His behavior so shamed his father Robert that he was relegated to clerical work on an oil rig in the Pacific. Recently Changed Pages. Im großen Crossover Crisis on Infinite Earths wurden nicht nur die bekannten Serien des Arrowverse wieder zusammen geführt, sondern auch Charaktere aus anderen DC-Serien und Filmen gewonnen. Green Arrow | Dc Microheroes Wiki | Fandom. Kontaktiere mich! Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Team Arrow | DC Infinite Universe Wiki | Fandom. Popular pages. The CW began airing Arrow in fall 2012. Wikis. Popular pages. His secret identity is liberal politician and billionaire Oliver Queen, a hot-headed social activist and owner of Queen Industries. Trick Arrows: Green Arrow uses an arsenal of Arrows that can have various purposes and effects after being fired from his bow. By day, Oliver plays the role of a wealthy, carefree and careless philanderer he used to be - flanked by his devoted chauffeur/bodyguard, John Diggle - while carefully concealing the secret identity he turns to under cover of darkness. Enemies of the DC hero Green Arrow. When Oliver asked him why, his father told him, \"Because you're me.\"As the young heir to a billion dollar corporate dynasty at Queen Industries, Oliver Queen was a wild socialite. Die Staffel wird in der Fernsehseason 2019-2020 auf dem US-Amerikanischen Fernsehsender The CW Ausgestrahlt. Green Arrow | Batman DC Wiki | Fandom.
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