cs:go settings pro

ZOWIE by BenQ XL2546 monitor, 1280×960 stretched 240hz You can use a higher texture filtering mode if you don’t have any FPS issues at all. source: trust me bro and his stream 31.10. kennyS is using Logitech G Pro X WIRELESS headphones btw. Maybe you don’t want to know what the average sensitivity of professional players is but are much more interested in what sens your specific favorite CSGO pros like s1mple, NiKo, XANTARES, Stewie2k, ZywOo, coldzera or device are using. This one is debatable, but since this can be a real FPS hog and you still see shadows of enemy players perfectly fine on low we recommend setting this to low. SETTINGS.GG is the biggest source of community generated pro CS:GO configs and settings. Team Liquid Stewie2k CS:GO Settings, Gear, Setup and Config - Including: Sensitivity, DPI, Resolution, Crosshair, Viewmodel, Monitor, Mouse, Mousepad, Keyboard, Headset. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (or CS:GO, as most people call it) seems to only be getting more and more popular. Keep this enabled to allow CS to use more than one core of your processor. You can read our guide where we explain how to create your own config but if you don’t want to do all that you can just copy paste these example grenade binds in your console. ProSettings.net is a resource for people who are interested in finding the best settings and gaming gear for competitive games. SNAX: 1.91 sens 1280×960 stretched info snax stream, allu is playing 1280×960 str, hes live now. The Purpose of ProSettings.com The site was founded by people who have been gaming for more than 20 years. Here's the most up-to-date overview of jasonR's CS:GO settings and gear, such as monitor, mouse, keyboard, headset and mousepad 400*3 is 1200 edpi. Buy binds can also be made; these will allow you to buy a certain weapon (or even an entire loadout) by pressing just a single button. A good spot to check your brightness levels is the dark corner on bomb spot B on de_inferno. It’s important to note that every player has their own preferences here but the majority of professional players at least zoom out their radar. The default crosshair can be a bit confusing with all the moving parts, and while it’s definitely good to get to grips with the movement system in the game you might want to consider upgrading in the future. Welcome to CSGOCrosshairs.com. After that we click on: Adjust desktop color settings. Rainbow Six Siege Pro Settings & Gear List. To change your brightness you go on Display Color and change the saturation slider to your liking. Just copy them to your config (or in the console) and you’re good to go! There’s the input latency, for example. is now playing on black bars (unknown res), Xyp9x has changed to VAXEE ZYGEN NP-01 A common argument for reducing your aspect ratio is that it can help you ‘focus’ more on the important part of your screen (the middle) or makes enemies appear bigger and thus easier to hit (with stretched scaling) but this is completely down to personal preference and isn’t objectively proven to be better so it’s up to you to make a decision on this matter. With this guide we wanted to give you a general direction. shroud CS:GO settings: Config, gaming gear & sensitivity used by pro Counter-Strike: Global Offensive player Mike "shroud" Grzesiek. In the second part of this guide we’ll give you the best ingame settings to get the most FPS out of your PC. For the best audio experience we recommend setting the audio profile in the game to ‘Stereo Headphones’. That’s partially due to them being used to these lower values but also because there’s just no need to go for an insanely high DPI value; if you want to get a higher overall sensitivity you can just raise the sensitivity in the game itself. Most mice have several options you can choose from. We’ve got a pretty decent ‘basic crosshair’ that you can use as a starting point. twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/degst3r If you are not playing at 16:9 (which is the native aspect ratio for pretty much all gaming monitors) you can choose between different scaling modes , namely black bars and stretched. You can either copy the settings on the right yourself or import the following crosshair code: Sharing a crosshair can also be done through console settings; you can find the crosshair settings of our analyzed pros (if those settings are available) on their player pages. c) Next, go to CS:GO in your steam library and … Here's the ultimate list of all CS:GO pro player settings and their gear. We cover topics like which sensitivity, mouse settings, DPI/CPI and USB polling rate to use. We research everything we can find from settings like DPI & eDPI, sensitivity, and resolution to gear and hardware like monitors, mice, mousepads, and keyboards. If you keep it off, your windows sensitivity is an active factor in determining your eDPI. If you experience frequent stuttering or you’re on low end hardware you can experiment with turning this on, but otherwise having this on doesn’t seem to yield very different results as far as framerate goes so we recommend leaving it disabled. If you’re being rushed by five enemies you don’t want to be frantically scrolling through your nades until you get to your incendiary, so at the very least we recommend you to make binds for your nades. Historically, very high DPI values could cause issues with the sensor (such as smoothing) too and while that’s less of an issue with today’s sensors it remains a fact that there’s no real need to use a super high DPI in any case. Our main goal with the video settings is to configure the game in the least demanding way possible to have the highest framerate possible without making the game look blurred or difficult to watch. With a polling rate of 125Hz the mouse position will be updated every 8 milliseconds, for example. Tinkering with your settings and options is something that everyone has to do at some point. We've created a site regarding the best and most popular resolutions, settings and monitors when it comes to playing CS:GO or similar fast paced FPS games. CS:GO Pro Setting Players (327 players) We have gathered the CS:GO Setups (2021) of 327 professional players from 76 best teams worlwide. Feel free to use a setting that you personally feel most comfortable with. CS:GO Pro Settings & Gear List. … Launch options used to have significant impact on your game, but these days that’s no longer the case apart from perhaps ‘-novid’ which basically just turns off the intro of the game. If you’re pushing around 60 frames per second the input latency will be between 55 and 75 milliseconds, at 240 frames per second it goes down to values between 20 and 35 milliseconds. If you get enough frames we would recommend starting at 16:9 though. Audio cues can help immensely in figuring out where enemies are (coming from) and in a game where one bullet can kill you you’d be handicapping yourself by using a subpar headset or, God forbid, speakers. CS:GO… In case you’re interested we have a complete guide on how to install a config and create your own autoexec in our library. Learn how your comment data is processed. Removes blur from textures that are far away. The difference in visibility is negligible however, so in most cases it’s best to keep it at bilinear. This could be because pinpoint precision isn’t as important with an AWP (a body shot results in a kill as well) and because they want to be a bit more mobile with their aim and playing style but of course we’re just theorizing here. Evidence: https://i.imgur.com/KU8QVis.jpg, Add degster from Espada If you want to learn more about the subject you can always check out our full GPU guide for the game. There’s a ton of different mice out there and there can even be differences in DPI between different mice and players (since pretty much every gaming mouse allows you to choose the DPI setting that you want to use) so in order to find a value that you can compare with the pros and your peers you need the combination of the sensitivity that’s set on the hardware (DPI) and the sensitivity that’s set in the game itself (‘sensitivity’). Well, in that case, this is the right place. Welcome to our CS:GO Pro Settings and Gear List. crosshair size 2 gap – 0.5 thickness 0.5 Some quick pro tips about what to do and not to do, that will help improve your CS:GO gameplay a lot. a) Download the Tweak.cfg and place it somewhere you can find it: Download [tusfiles.net] b) Open the file with your text editor. Keeping this to none will save you a lot of FPS, so only turn this on if you really have FPS to spare. The difference between 500Hz and 1000Hz is a bit less pronounced, which is why you see some pros on 500Hz despite 1000Hz being objectively better. Aside from this audio settings are different from headset to headset and personal noise tolerance varies so you’ll have to do some tweaking yourself when it comes to master volume. As we mentioned, eDPI (effective Dots Per Inch, sometimes referred to as ‘true sensitivity’) is the easiest way to compare sensitivities. We hope you enjoyed reading this. Cfg, video settings, mouse sensitivity, crosshairs. Rainbow Six Siege Pro Settings & Gear List, Rocket League Pro Camera Settings & Controller List, VALORANT – Best Settings and Options Guide, Apex Legends – Best Settings and Options Guide, Rainbow Six Siege – Best Settings and Options Guide, Rocket League Pro Camera Settings and Controller List, Call of Duty: Warzone Best Settings & Options Guide. Welcome to our CS:GO Pro Settings and Gear List. Why does Shox’s edpi say 900? Just make sure you’re able to hear important things such as footsteps without destroying your ears. About mouse acceleration: in general, turning this on is considered a bad idea. The database includes pro player settings, sensitivity, the best gaming gear, configs, setups, mice, keyboards, monitors, headsets, GPUs, statistics, and much more! By using these binds you will be able to throw grenades way faster, since the knife breaks your grenade throw animation. CS:GO is a highly configurable game so we definitely recommend you to change some binds here and there. Another great option is to use our Player Database to download the config of your favorite pro. The most relevant value when controlling your mouse is called eDPI. On its own it’s virtually useless for comparison’s sake since this doesn’t really influence performance as can be the case with a high DPI in combination with an older sensor. As you can see on our charts to the right, most pros play with an aspect ratio of 4:3. Keep this disabled or your FPS will take a massive hit. This is important in game where movement is of such importance so if you haven’t yet invested in a mechanical keyboard you can always check out our guide. If you see a pro streaming and you like how their radar looks or you just want to see how your favorite pro does it you might want to consider downloading a config from our Player Database. This cs:go jump throw bind needs to be placed in your Autoexec file or needs to be used each time you The polling rate (in Hz) of your mouse determines how often it sends information to your PC. Your email address will not be published. Players in all sorts of games often neglect audio but that is a massive mistake. res 1280×960 Config: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TiSJxoQ9tY9LFgF_chgDqlfpiUbn4tHb/view. Of course it’s important to know the ingame sensitivity to calculate eDPI but aside from that there’s nothing really interesting to be distilled from this setting. It’s been among the top viewed and played games of the planet for years now and it doesn’t really look like it’s slowing down either, so naturally we’re here to give you our list of the best Fortnite settings and gear. The graphic settings, steam launch options can be edited in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive to boost FPS and improve your gameplay as well as fix lag in the game.. Causes input lag and makes the game not look as crisp and clear. PUBG Pro Settings & Gear List. Besides this, we recommend the best mouse and mousepad for CS:GO players. nexa is using the Logitech G Pro X Wireless headset, not wired one. Be sure to play with the most optimal resolution settings by checking out pro players. In summary, keep the resolution and aspect ratio low if you are below the critical 144 (or 240, depending on your monitor) frames threshold. We keep this disabled for better FPS. In fact, not a single professional player is using a regular 60Hz monitor. Increase this to spot enemies in darker places. Includes shroud's CS:GO keybindings, mouse settings, DPI, crosshair, cfg, video & graphics settings as well as his hardware setup and resolution. As you can see on the right a lot of CS:GO pros even prefer very low DPI settings. Some settings inside the config will need to be customized using a text editor such as notepad. A lot of pros are using increased saturation settings as well as this can help enemies stand out in the otherwise bland color scheme of the game. Fortnite Pro Settings and Gear List. To set your launch options go into your steam library, right click on Counter-Strike: Global Offensive -> properties -> set launch options and copy paste the following: After that we go here: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\YOURSTEAMID\730\local\cfg – this is where you place your config/autoexec. Note: There are many CS: GO config files on the internet. We've got the LATEST and ALWAYS up-to-date CS:GO resolutions and … In this article we will go through the optimal setting for your BenQ / Zowie monitor, this guide is especially useful for gamers, as we focus on what professional pro … In this section you can also change the scaling mode to either: aspect ratio for black bars or full-screen for stretched. Electronics is using Logitech G Pro X Wireless headset, not wired. Even if you don’t have a 240Hz monitor (which is something that we thoroughly recommend for this game; check out our monitor guide for more info on the subject) there are advantages to reaching the highest framerates possible, which is why you see pro players do everything to max out the amount of frames that they’re getting even though their PC is already pushing way above 240 frames each second. We learned opinions of pro players, studied detailed recommendations of some players on REDDIT and prepared a guidance of how to increase FPS for CS:GO. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. PROSETTINGS.NET As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Adds a blur motion to your fast crosshair movements, which restricts your ability to notice enemies. If you want to learn more about this feature you can read about it. Ever wondered which mouse settings the best CS:GO players in the world use? Cloud 9’s fifth player, es3tag confirmed. All of these combinations come with their own advantages and disadvantages (some are arguably more of a placebo effect than others, but if it works for you it works) so while we’ll go over all of those it’s important to note that it’s best to use what you find to be the most comfortable. First of all you want to check if you have turned your refresh rate up as high as your monitor can (144hz): Nvidia: Right click on your desktop -> Nvidia Control Panel -> Adjust desktop size and position -> Refresh rate. It’s important to note that for some people 500Hz feels different than 1000Hz so you can definitely experiment with this a bit. Here's the most recent m0NESY CS:GO settings including Sensitivity, Video Settings, Keybinds, Setup & Config! It doesn’t end there, however. Also locks your fps to the refresh rate of your monitor. VALORANT Pro Settings and Gear List. With so many options to tweak it’s understandable that some people can’t really see the forest for the trees, and that’s where we come in. The best video settings for CS:GO will vastly depend on the individual you’re asking. Leo_drunk use nickname Leo_drk now. nbk playing 1280×1024 according to his twitch mods, shox playing 1680x1050bb This smoothes out the edges of objects and models in the game, which results in the game looking better. Leo_drunky, v$m and Lucas1 move to mibr with stand-in contract. The list includes pro players keybinds, crosshair, mouse settings, resolution, sensitivity, configs, DPI, setup, monitor, keyboard, headset, video and graphics settings. We want FPS so keep it there. What’s interesting is that AWP players generally have a higher eDPI than riflers. How to change the polling rate depends on what mouse you’re using but for most you can change it in the software or on the mouse itself. Simply put, DPI is the hardware part and sensitivity is the software part of the equation. Sensitivity simply refers to the the actual value that you set in the game, called ‘Mouse Sensitivity’. That’s not a surprise at all: gaming at high refresh rates gives you a myriad of advantages. If you want to know how to find your DPI you can read about that here. Whether this is down to them just being used to it from the old days or because it’s objectively better is a topic of great debate on many online forums. If you find that your eDPI is a lot higher than what the pros are using we definitely recommend lowering it. Keep it disabled. Only a handful of CS:GO pros turn this setting on and we advise you to keep it off. Many gaming monitors allow you to adjust this on the monitor itself, though there’s also software to increase the color vibrance. Please refer to our Pro Settings and Gear List to compare your settings in that case. We’ve analyzed the sensitivity, DPI & eDPI, resolution, monitor refresh rates (in Hz) and much more and distilled all of that into this guide for you to use. Jonathan 'EliGE' Jablonowski, the top performer in Team Liquid also has unusually high sensitivity settings. We’ve got an article about this concept if you want to read more but we’ll give a brief rundown here too. Guide on the best monitor and picture settings for your BenQ monitor. A config is still a great tool to have in your arsenal, however. It’s done by multiplying the DPI with the sensitivity: On the right you can see the average eDPI for all of our analyzed CS:GO players. To become a pro, you need the settings of a pro. There might be some arguments to be made about this number (and it’s also dependent on the mice the players are using) but it seems to be the case that most players are comfortable around the default setting, which is 1. Change any values as described in the config. There are a couple mouse settings that have to be configured optimally. Luckily CS:GO is a very easy game to run so you don’t need the absolute best GPU out there in order to reach at least 240 frames per second (which we consider to be the competitive minimum) so you can technically get away with a more budget-oriented GPU such as the RTX 2060 Super, which is one of our favorite graphics cards at this point in time. It makes no sense to have a state of the art 240Hz monitor coupled with a 2080 Ti if you’re just going to be running it through a 10 year old processor and 8GB of RAM. This fills your screen completely and allows you to see the most of the battlefield in front of you; other aspect ratios can cut off a part of the image in order to help the image fit on your screen. Wondering what m0NESY's CS:GO settings are? The right settings gives you an advantage! Playing with sensitivity in those ranges helps you track and aim at opponents because it makes your aim more steady. This hinders your ability to develop muscle memory (which is a crucial thing to develop if you want to have consistent aim). This introduces a number of things to make player models stand out more from the ingame world so you will want to enable this. There really is a reason why not a single professional is using an overall sensitivity that only requires a couple of millimetres for a 360. crosshair size 2 gap -3 thicc 1 style 2 This value is obviously important for AWPers but everyone should spend a bit of time here since you don’t want to be like a deer in headlights if you’ve picked up your teammate’s AWP to save, for example. Zoom Sensitivity refers to how fast you aim while being zoomed in using scoped rifles. We generally don’t want any interference. Pretty much every professional shooter player has an overall sensitivity that requires a large mousepad to accommodate for their large swipes. So, check FPS you are currently playing and lets begin to boost it. While there’s nothing inherently wrong with using the default crosshair it is definitely something that most players change immediately once they get into the game. Rocket League Pro Camera Settings & Controller List. We chose the top 30 teams in competitive CS:GO and listed them in our internal ranking which is aggravated by recent and historical competitive performance. In a game where info is so important you’d be handicapping yourself by obscuring large parts of the map, after all. Something that’s pretty unique to the game is just how many options there are to tweak the game to your own liking. We also use targeted ads. The CS:GO pros aren’t alone in that. Overwatch Pro Settings and Gear List.

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