The Council of the European Union represents the governments of the EU countries. Let's pretend that you are ministers at the Council of the European Union and want to put the proposed destination to a vote by double majority. They are also appointed for 5 years after having been proposed by their government and approved by the European Parliament. Lithuania was one of the first countries in the world to grant women a right to vote in the elections. 3–45. These give you the chance to discuss European issues with commissioners and other high-level representatives. The European Commission will commonly propose new EU laws, after having consulted other EU institutions and interested parties. Each one has a veto. For example, an EU law on how to treat urban waste can be adopted in the Council by a majority vote. The European Parliament is the voice of the citizens. The two major parties are the centre-right European People's Party and the centre-left Party of European Socialists. The Socialists, disappointed at the 2009 election, agreed to put forward a candidate for Commission President at all subsequent elections. The last European elections were held in spring 2019.The next ones will be held in 2024. [36], In February 2008, President Barroso admitted there was a problem in legitimacy and that, despite having the same legitimacy as Prime Ministers in theory, in practice it was not the case. A 1980 analysis by Karlheinz Reif and Hermann Schmitt concluded that European elections were fought on national issues and used by voters to punish their governments mid-term, making European Parliament elections de facto national elections of second rank. You now know a lot about the European institutions, but do you know the names and faces of the people leading them? European Union citizens aged 25 or over on polling day and not deprived of the right to stand in their home country. Are you all of the same opinion or do you need to take a vote like in the Council? Second, the Commission President and the Commissioners are indirectly elected. 26/2012 'Codification in a single text of the provisions of the legislation on the election of Members' (A 57). However, it is important to understand what so-called Brussels actually is and who is responsible for what in the EU. There is however a great variety of electoral procedures: some countries use a highest averages method of proportional representation, some use the largest remainder method, some open lists and others closed. The Labour shadow minister responded by saying that Labour has pledged that every EU citizen living in the United Kingdom on Brexit day will automatically gain all the rights of a “citizen”. For more information, see: [3] No other EU institution is directly elected, with the Council of the European Union and the European Council being only indirectly legitimated through national elections. As an example, you can read about the Parliament's resolution to reduce plastic bag use in Europe here. For instance, a European party can buy unlimited advertising airtime in Estonia while it is barred from any form of paid advertising in Sweden.[11]. A member of Dáil Eireann (a Teachta Dála, or TD) An outgoing member of the Seanad. There are numerous other groups, including communists, greens, regionalists, conservatives, liberals and eurosceptics. It has 751 MEPs but this number will be reduced, because of Brexit, to 705. Το δικαίωμα του εκλέγειν έχουν και οι πολίτες των λοιπών κρατών − μελών της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης κατά τα οριζόμενα στο ν. It ensures that EU legislation is interpreted and applied in the same way in each EU country. Reif, K. and Schmitt, H. (1980) ‘Nine Second-Order National Elections: A Conceptual Since the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU in 2020, the number of MEPs, including the president, has been 705. Each candidate led the pan-European campaign of the Europarty. Europarties have the exclusive right to campaign for the European elections; their parliamentary groups are strictly forbidden to campaign and to spend funds on any campaign-related activity. Historical percentage results in union-wide elections of the three major groups by region. The European Commission is the 'executive body' of the EU. Put a cross in the box against the institution(s) that match(es) the description. In many other areas, ministers take decisions by majority vote. The president is nominated by the European Council and is formally elected for 5 years by the European Parliament. They meet at least four times per year. Each minister casts one vote: s/he can vote for or against a proposal, or abstain. However, the comparison with the US voter turnout is hampered due to the fact that the US President is elected in separate and direct elections (presidential system), whereas the President of the European Commission is elected by the European Parliament (parliamentary system), giving the European Parliament elections considerable weight. Elections in Lithuania, are held to select members of the parliament, the president, members of the municipal councils and mayors, as well as delegates to the European Parliament.Lithuanian citizens can also vote in mandatory or consultative referendums. But the number of citizens represented varies according to the size of the country. Discuss your thoughts about this with the group. A region with high turnout will result in more votes for the parties there, which will result in a greater number of MEPs elected for that region.[10]. [35] They failed to do so however the European People's Party did select Barroso as their candidate and, as the largest party, Barroso's term was renewed. The United Kingdom, historically up until its exit from the Union, was split into. Bulgarian citizen who has attained the age of 21 years by polling day, does not hold the citizenship of any State that is not a Member State of the European Union, is not interdicted, does not serve a custodial sentence, has a permanent address in the Republic of Bulgaria, and has resided in the Republic of Bulgaria or in another Member State of the European Union at least during the last six months. Under Article 17 of the EU treaty, as amended by the Lisbon Treaty, the Commission President is formally proposed by the European Council (the 28 heads of government of the EU member states), by a qualified-majority vote, and is then ‘elected’ by a majority vote in the European Parliament. are not disqualified from voting. Exercise of the right to vote is compulsory. Finnish citizens entitled to vote and not legally incompetent. Commissioners do not represent the views of their country of origin but rather the common interest of the EU. The allocation of seats to each member state is based on the principle of degressive proportionality, so that, while the size of the population of each country is taken into account, smaller states elect more MEPs than is proportional to their populations. And who are the other people in the photos? The next elections to the European Parliament will be held in spring 2024 and 2029, and you might be eligible to vote by then. Since no pan-European government is formed as a result of the European elections, long-term coalitions have never occurred. Until 2019, 751 MEPs were elected to the European Parliament, which has been directly elected since 1979.Since the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU in 2020, the number of MEPs, including the president, has been 705. [4] While European political parties have the right to campaign EU-wide for the European elections,[5] campaigns still take place through national election campaigns, advertising national delegates from national parties. No change in this configuration can occur without the unanimous consent of all governments. EU Elections (Europawahlen) Take place every five years. Take the test below to see how much you remember. This was partly put into practice in 2004 when the European Council selected a candidate from the political party that won that year's election. The candidate lists would have to represent a third of member states and are seen as a way to personalise and dramatise the elections to re-engage an apathetic electorate. The Council of the EU then has to approve legislation for it to become law. The political structure of EU is headed by the EU Council which is composed of directly elected political leaders of member states, while the power of the Council is balanced by the EU Parliament, which is a directly elected body that is holding decision of the EU Council accountable to all EU citizens. [13] MEPs that are not members of groups are known as non-inscrits. In practice this means that members of the public may invite the European Commission to propose legislation on a specific issue for which the EU is responsible, such as the environment, agriculture or transport. This was taken as the parliament's cue to have its parties run with candidates for the President of the European Commission with the candidate of the winning party being proposed by the Council.[31]. It is chaired by a president who is elected every 2.5 years. That would give them individually, and the body as a whole, a democratic mandate. [6][7], Italicised countries are divided into sub-national constituencies. They can of course modify proposals or reject them altogether. You can watch the Council in action in all EU languages here. If you are a family member of a “mobile EU citizen”, ... UK nationals who have been elected for a specific local government function in their Member State of residence They have agreed to keep unanimous voting in some sensitive areas. To this extent all EU countries keep electoral registers containing the names of all eligible voters in the specific region, to which eligible newcomers to the area can apply at any time to have their names added. It has constitutional-type and ratification powers. The role of minister from each of the 27 EU countries is divided up amongst the other students. The European elections took place between 23-26 May 2019. [17][18] German MEP Jo Leinen has suggested that EU parties name their top candidate for the position of President of the European Commission in order to increase turnout. Countries with multiple constituencies are: Germany, Italy and Poland use a different system, whereby parties are awarded seats based on their nationwide vote as in all of the states that elect members from a single constituency; these seats are given to the candidates on regional lists. In 2019, they took place from 23 to 26 May. With the Lisbon Treaty now in-force, Europarties are obliged from now-on to put forward a candidate for President of the European Commission; each Presidential candidate will, in fact, lead the pan-European campaign of the Europarty. This is quite common in parliamentary democracies; for example, the British Prime Minister is not directly-elected, but is rather elected by the … Each country then declares whether it is for or against the proposed destination and the vote is recorded in the Council's voting calculator. Maltese citizens aged 18 or over on polling day. What responsibilities do they have? The three readings mainly involve three institutions: the European Parliament, the Council of the European Union and the European Commission. [30], The third Delors Commission had a short mandate, to bring the terms of the Commission in line with that of the Parliament. In the last 60 years, EU countries have drawn up many EU laws together. Until 2019, 751 MEPs[2] were elected to the European Parliament, which has been directly elected since 1979. The European Commission proposes new laws and programmes in the general interest of the EU. No country trusts their people to directly elect ministers in a government, that is the purpose of the winning party; to choose reliable specialists with substantial knowledge on the matter. Check whether a dialogue has recently taken place in your area or whether there is one coming up soon. European Union citizens who are entitled to vote. Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Sweden and, until 2020, United Kingdom, Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Luxembourg and Netherlands, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, Malta, Portugal and Spain, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia, This based on a Dutch decision by the 'Kiesraad', which disallowed South Africa's, left the European Union on 31 January 2020, Political groups of the European Parliament, List of European Parliament elections by state, Post-Brexit United Kingdom relations with the European Union, List of European Parliament by-elections in the United Kingdom, European Liberal Democrat and Reform Party, Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, Democratic legitimacy of the European Union, "EU elections 2019: Country-by-country full results", "Redistribution of seats in the European Parliament after Brexit", The European Parliament: electoral procedures, The election of members of the European Parliament, "Composition of the European Parliament with a view to the 2014 elections", "Jean-Claude Juncker: Experience. Because the Member States want to keep strict control of the EU. Any people aged 18 or over on polling day and legally resident in the European Union at the time of candidature. For example, who is the current President of the European Commission? Election of Members of the European Parliament in the seats each time allocated to Greece shall be effected by direct, universal and secret ballot by the citizens entitled to vote in accordance with the provisions of Articles 4, 5 and 6 of the Presidential Decree. The Parliament elects the President of the European Commission and approves the 27 members of the Commission as a body. Same as on the left; the passive voting age is 18 instead of 16. EU citizens are allowed to vote in local elections on most issues, but not for mayors. Secondly, by voting in the European Parliament elections: the European Parliament plays an equally important role in EU lawmaking and your vote will help determine the European Parliament's position on proposed laws. have been living for more than three months in Germany or in another EU country. For example, if the meeting is about air pollution, then environment ministers will meet. Again, the European Parliament is … To be eligible to vote, you need to be an EU citizen, at least 18 years old, who is registered in the local area. You have the right to vote at 18 in all EU countries except Austria and Malta, where you can vote at the age of 16, and Greece, where you can vote when you are 17. The European Commission is made up of 27 members â one president and 26 commissioners (including the vice-presidents). You make a first and second choice when you vote. Together they form the seven recognised groups in the parliament. Any European Union citizens who are entitled to vote (whose municipality of residence is in Hungary). In these elections, EU citizens choose who will represent their interests in the European Parliament. The European Parliament is the voice of the citizens. The day-to-day work of the Commission is carried out by its administrative staff, experts, translators, interpreters and assistants. The citizens of Greece and Greeks who have reached their seventeenth (17th) year of age have the right to vote.», Type of election in which the citizens of a Member State of the European Union elect the delegations of Members of the European Parliament, Percentage turnout of registered voters in previous elections, European Parliament election, 1979 - Statistics, European Parliament election, 1984 - Statistics, European Parliament election, 1989 - Statistics, European Parliament election, 1994 - Statistics, European Parliament election, 1999 - Statistics, European Parliament election, 2004 - Statistics, European Parliament election, 1979 - Delegation at 17 July 1979, European Parliament election, 1984 - Delegation at 23 July 1984, European Parliament election, 1989 - Delegation at 25 July 1989, European Parliament election, 1994 - Delegation at 19 July 1994, European Parliament election, 1999 - Delegation at 20 July 1999, European Parliament election, 2004 - Delegation at 20 July 2004. Turnout had constantly fallen in every EU election from 1979 until 2014. [15] This is analogous to the American two-party system in the sense that voting on issues and legislation in the Parliament only requires a yes or no vote, which means voter vote for options or candidates that are close to their ideals. 9/28.01.2011", Act to Amend and Supplement the Election Code (2011), "Act to Amend and Supplement the Election Code (2011)", "Republic of Croatia European Parliamentary Elections Act, Article 4 (Zakon o izborima zastupnika iz RH u Europski parlament, Članak 4)", "Republic of Croatia European Parliamentary Elections Act, Article 5 (Zakon o izborima zastupnika iz RH u Europski parlament, Članak 5)", "Information for citizens of other EU member states on voting in the European Parliament elections in the Czech Republic - Ministry of the interior of the Czech Republic", "European Parliament elections -", "Right to Vote and Compilation of the Voting Rights", "Eligibility and Nomination of Candidates", " (Élections : Français domicilié à l'étranger)", "Élections : droit de vote d'un citoyen européen -", "Greek MPs approve end to bonus seats, lower voting age", "Ministry of Interior - Information for Greek residents abroad", "Hellenic Republic Ministry of the Interior: EU Citizens", "Citizens Information: Voting in a European election", "ELEZIONE DEI MEMBRI DEL PARLAMENTO EUROPEO SPETTANTI ALL'ITALIA", "Conditions de l'électorat - Site officiel des élections au Grand-Duché du Luxembourg - Mode d'emploi", "S'inscrire sur les listes électorales pour les élections européennes - // Luxembourg - Participation aux élections européennes", "Etre candidat aux élections européennes", "Lei Eleitoral para o Parlamento Europeu (Lei nº 14/87, de 29 Abril), Artigo 3º", "Comissão Nacional de Eleições: FAQ - Eleição para o Parlamento Europeu", "Perguntas Frequentes: Candidatura - Comissão Nacional de Eleições", "Elections to the European Parliament of June 2009", Valmyndigheten: Suffrage and electoral rolls, Section devoted to the 2009 election on the European Parliament website, The European Parliament and Supranational Party System (Cambridge University Press 2002), Archive of European Integration (AEI) > Institutional Administration, Developments & Reform > Parliament > Elections, European Coal and Steel Community (1951–2002), European Economic Community (1958–1993/2009), Mechanism for Cooperation and Verification, Cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants, Largest cities by population within city limits,, Articles with dead external links from June 2016, Wikipedia articles in need of updating from April 2019, All Wikipedia articles in need of updating, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, West Germany 35, Belgium 7, Denmark 4, France 22, Ireland 4, Italy 13, Luxembourg 1, Netherlands 9, UK 18, West Germany 42, Belgium 10, France 8, Ireland 4, Italy 30, Luxembourg 3, Netherlands 10, West Germany 4, Belgium 4, Denmark 3, France 17, Ireland 1, Italy 5, Luxembourg 2, Netherlands 4, West Germany 33, Belgium 7, Denmark 4, France 20, Italy 12, Luxembourg 2, Netherlands 9, UK 33, Greece 10, West Germany 41, Belgium 6, Denmark 1, France 9, Ireland 6, Italy 27, Luxembourg 3, Netherlands 8, Greece 9, Belgium 5, Denmark 2, France 12, Ireland 1, Italy 5, Luxembourg 1, Netherlands 5, West Germany 7, Belgium 4, Denmark 4, Italy 3, Netherlands 2, West Germany 31, Belgium 8, Denmark 4, France 22, Ireland 1, Italy 14, Luxembourg 2, Netherlands 8, UK 46, Greece 9, Spain 27, Portugal 8, West Germany 32, Belgium 7, Denmark 2, France 6, Ireland 4, Italy 27, Luxembourg 3, Netherlands 10, UK 1, Greece 10, Spain 16, Portugal 3, West Germany 4, Belgium 4, Denmark 3, France 13, Ireland 2, Italy 3, Luxembourg 1, Netherlands 4, Spain 6, Portugal 9, Denmark 1, France 7, Ireland 1, Italy 22, Greece 4, Spain 4, Portugal 3, West Germany 8, Belgium 3, France 8, Italy 7, Netherlands 2, Spain 1, Portugal 1, Belgium 1, Denmark 4, France 1, Ireland 1, Italy 3, UK 1, Spain 2, France 1, Italy 5, Netherlands 1, UK 1, Spain 4, Germany 40, Belgium 6, Denmark 3, France 15, Ireland 1, Italy 18, Luxembourg 2, Netherlands 8, UK 63, Greece 10, Spain 22, Portugal 10, Germany 47, Belgium 7, Denmark 3, France 13, Ireland 4, Italy 12, Luxembourg 2, Netherlands 10, UK 19, Greece 9, Spain 30, Portugal 1, Belgium 6, Denmark 5, France 1, Ireland 1, Italy 7, Luxembourg 1, Netherlands 10, UK 2, Spain 2, Portugal 8, France 7, Italy 5, Greece 4, Spain 9, Portugal 3, France 14, Ireland 7, Greece 2, Portugal 3, Germany 12, Belgium 2, Denmark 1, Ireland 2, Italy 4, Luxembourg 1, Netherlands 1, Belgium 1, France 13, Italy 2, UK 2, Spain 1, Germany 53, Belgium 5, Denmark 1, France 21, Ireland 5, Italy 34, Luxembourg 2, Netherlands 9, UK 37, Greece 9, Spain 29, Portugal 9, Austria 7, Finland 5, Sweden 5, Germany 33, Belgium 5, Denmark 3, France 22, Ireland 1, Italy 17, Luxembourg 2, Netherlands 6, UK 30, Greece 9, Spain 24, Portugal 12, Austria 7, Finland 3, Sweden 6, Belgium 5, Denmark 6, Ireland 1, Italy 7, Luxembourg 1, Netherlands 8, UK 10, Spain 3, Finland 5, Sweden 4, Germany 7, Belgium 7, France 9, Ireland 2, Italy 2, Luxembourg 1, Netherlands 4, UK 6, Spain 4, Austria 2, Finland 2, Sweden 2, Germany 6, Denmark 1, France 11, Italy 6, Netherlands 1, Greece 7, Spain 4, Portugal 2, Finland 1, Sweden 3, Denmark 1, France 13, Ireland 6, Italy 9, Portugal 2, Belgium 2, France 5, Italy 12, UK 1, Spain 1, Austria 5, Germany 49, Belgium 6, Denmark 1, France 17, Ireland 5, Italy 24, Luxembourg 3, Netherlands 7, UK 28, Greece 11, Spain 24, Portugal 9, Austria 6, Finland 4, Sweden 5, Cyprus 3, Estonia 1, Hungary 13, Latvia 3, Lithuania 2, Malta 2, Poland 19, Czech Republic 14, Slovakia 8, Slovenia 4, Germany 23, Belgium 7, Denmark 5, France 31, Ireland 1, Italy 16, Luxembourg 1, Netherlands 7, UK 19, Greece 8, Spain 24, Portugal 12, Austria 7, Finland 3, Sweden 5, Estonia 3, Hungary 9, Lithuania 2, Malta 3, Poland 8, Czech Republic 2, Slovakia 3, Slovenia 1, Germany 7, Belgium 6, Denmark 4, France 11, Ireland 1, Italy 12, Luxembourg 1, Netherlands 5, UK 12, Spain 2, Finland 5, Sweden 3, Cyprus 1, Estonia 2, Hungary 2, Latvia 1, Lithuania 7, Poland 4, Slovenia 2, Germany 13, Belgium 2, Denmark 1, France 6, Italy 2, Luxembourg 1, Netherlands 4, UK 5, Spain 3, Austria 2, Finland 1, Sweden 1, Latvia 1, Germany 7, Denmark 1, France 3, Ireland 1, Italy 7, Netherlands 2, UK 1, Greece 4, Spain 1, Portugal 3, Finland 1, Sweden 2, Cyprus 2, Czech Republic 6, Denmark 1, France 3, Ireland 1, Italy 4, Netherlands 2, UK 11, Greece 1, Sweden 3, Poland 10, Czech Republic 1, Belgium 3, France 7, Italy 4, UK 2, Austria 3, Poland 6, Czech Republic 1, Slovakia 3, Denmark 1, Ireland 4, Italy 9, Latvia 4, Lithuania 2, Poland 7.
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