The Geopolitics of the Roman Empire deals with the "inalienable relationship between geography and politics of the Roman Empire". Lance deHaven-Smith: What Are State Crimes Against Democracy? Mackinder argued that geography could find a new relevance after the Age of Explorations by serving instead the cause of the New Imperialism. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 2010. Lattimore's geopolitics emerged as a critique of empire, proposing a more collaborative scheme of interstate relations to eschew the mentality of imperial power politics. Curtis Doebbler: Who Is Destroying the Middle East? Tom Luongo: How to Prepare for the Great Reset? William Engdahl: The Dystopian Scenario Arising From COVID-19, Maryam Henein: Behind the Coronavirus Fear Porn, Alfred de Zayas: Censorship & Sanctions in the Time of Coronavirus (COVID-19), Michael Beckley: Why America Will Remain the World’s Sole Superpower, Peter Schiff: How Coronavirus May Have Popped the Financial Bubble & Trump’s Re-election, Michael Hilliard: Australia’s Geostrategy in the US-China New Cold War, Robert Epstein: We’re Living in Unseen Dictatorship, 2020 is Big Tech Takeover Turning Point, Manuel Suarez-Mier: AMLO’s Mexico to Unravel in 2020, Francis Boyle: Wuhan Coronavirus is an Offensive Biological Warfare Weapon, Richard Heydarian: Trump, China, & the New Struggle for Global Mastery, Johan Galtung: A Multipolar Future of Regional Civilizations, U.S. May Divide in Two, Tareq Haddad: Assassination of Iran’s General Soleimani a Clear Sign of U.S. Empire’s Decline, Robert Quartly-Janeiro: Trade, Economy & Political Risk in the EMEA Countries, Edward Lozansky: Ukraine, Trump, NATO & Eurasia in the New Cold War, Ioan Grillo: Mexico, Drug Cartels, Solutions, & the Future, Tuomas Malinen: The First-Ever Truly Global Economic Crisis & Depression, Victor Bulmer-Thomas: The U.S. Julian Dierkes: Geopolitics of Mongolia & Move Toward Authoritarian Rule? Denis Rancourt: "Pandemic" Being Used to Accelerate US-led Globalization vs … READ PAPER. Please download one of our supported browsers. Geography, geopolitics and Empire Gerry Kearns Halford Mackinder’s work is drawn upon repeatedly by those who would promote imperialism. Geopolitics and Empire examines the relations between two phenomena that are central to modern conceptions of international relations. A discussion with risk consultant, geopolitical expert and... Jun 30, 2015 by Guadalajara Geopolitics Institute. Paul Robinson: Russia, the West, and... Read more Bill Simpich: Kennedys and Kings Call for New Probe into Deaths of JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcolm X Scott Horton: Time to END the Global War on Terrorism! Download. #194, Gregory Copley: The Fear Pandemic, End of Democracy, & New Total War #193, Scott Horton: Time to END the Global War on Terrorism! Mackin- Geopolitics & Empire: Striving for World Government, Bretton Woods vs Belt & RoadIn this episode of Geopolitics and Empire, I had the opportunity to discuss the causes, history and purpose of the idea of world government which has poisoned so much of recent history. Austin, TX About Podcast Stratfor's podcast focused on geopolitics, world affairs, … Stream Tracks and Playlists from Geopolitics & Empire … Geography, geopolitics and Empire. Geopolitics is the understanding of the inter-relations between empires, states, individuals, private companies, NGOs and multilateral agencies as these are expressed and shaped spatially. Brandon Weichert: Who Commands Space Controls the World, Steve St. Angelo: The Energy Cliff, Green Energy Myth, Gold, Crypto, & Mad Max Future, Geoffrey Gresh: Eurasia & the New Great Power Competition at Sea, Robert Bridge: Cultural Marxism in America & the World, COVID Tyranny, & Censorship, Simon Dixon: The New Great Depression, The New Bretton Woods, & How to Survive, Francis Boyle: War With Iran Could Be Imminent, Russia & China Are The Endgame, Miklos Lukacs: Resisting Techno-Feudalism & The Great Reset, Patrick Armstrong: Russia, the NATO “Paper Pussycat” & End of U.S. Robin Monotti: Is There A Warning Message Behind The Virus? You need to enable JavaScript to use SoundCloud, The Geopolitics & Empire Podcast conducts interviews with high-profile guests on geopolitics and international affairs seeking to gain insight from experts on both the left and the right as to the true nature of current events. Francis Boyle: Wuhan Coronavirus is an Offensive Biological Warfare Weapon #131 Dr. Francis Boyle discusses the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China and the Biosafety Level 4 laboratory (BSL-4) from which he believes the infectious disease escaped. Geography, geopolitics and Empire. Noah Coburn: The Invisible Workers of America’s Global War, Isa Blumi: The Geopolitics of the War on Yemen, Balihar Sanghera: Central Asia as the New Economic Battleground for China, Russia, and the USA, Jeremy Kuzmarov: The Russians Are Coming, Again: The First Cold War as Tragedy, the Second as Farce. Dmitry Orlov: How the Technosphere Threatens the Biosphere and our Freedoms. Joanna Lillis: Kazakhstan & What Happens After Nazarbayev, Bob Moriarty: American Empire, Military Overstretch, & Economic Collapse, Jim Rogers: The Coming Global Financial Crisis Will Be The Worst In Our Lifetime, Jim Jatras: NATO Becomes GATO in Expansion to Latin America, Ted Galen Carpenter: U.S. Support of Authoritarian Regimes, NATO, & North Korea, Peter Ford: The “Permanent Government” Imperial War on Syria & World, Yves Engler: Canadian Imperialism & Foreign Policy in Venezuela & Beyond, Rico Brouwer: The EU, Pirate Party, & Fighting MSM With Podcast Journalism, Tom Luongo: Global Economy on Autopilot Until Europe Implodes, Patrick Wood: China, Dystopian Technocracy, and Global Governance, Alfred de Zayas: Weaponization of Human Rights by the U.S. & EU in Venezuela and Catalonia, Daniel Estulin: New Global Order as U.S. Takes Venezuela, China Gets North Korea, Paul Robinson: Russia, the West, and the World, Bill Simpich: Kennedys and Kings Call for New Probe into Deaths of JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcolm X, Paul Craig Roberts: De-Dollarization & Identity Politics Are America’s Achilles Heel, Klaus Dodds: Scramble for the Poles? Geopolitics is the understanding of the inter-relations between empires, states, individuals, private companies, NGOs and multilateral agencies as these are expressed and shaped spatially. Charlie de Vreede: Election is Nationalism vs Globalism, Assange Case Fraught With Irregularities, Pedro Kuit: Dutch Corona Measures Are A Crime Against Humanity & All About Power & Money, Martin Armstrong: Elites Using False Pandemic to Crash Economy for Horrific Great Reset, Helen Buyniski: Fall of the Empire, Dark Winter Ahead, & Why NYC Won’t Recover from COVID1984, Jim Jatras: Besieged by a Revolutionary Regime, U.S. Faces Existential Moment, John Rubino: The Least Important Election Of Our Lifetimes, Kristinn Hrafnsson: The Corruption of Media & Julian Assange’s Future, Tuomas Malinen: Real Risk of Fascist Totalitarian “Global Economic Dystopia”, Jose Niño: US Foreign Policy, Venezuela, & America’s Path to Big Tech Serfdom, Alasdair Macleod: Hyperinflation, Death of the Dollar, Gold, & China, Doug Valentine: How the CIA’s Phoenix Program Gave Birth to the Police State, Alex Krainer: The Banking Cartel is Driving the COVID-19 Agenda, James Howard Kunstler: Adapting To The End Of The World As We Know It, Paul Craig Roberts: Color Revolution & Coup Against Trump & The Constitution, Jeffrey Kaye: Documents Reveal U.S. Germ Warfare During Korean War, Christian Westbrook: Food Wars…the Engineered Destruction of Our Food Supply, Rico Brouwer: European Lockdowns & Julian Assange’s Kangaroo Court, Riccardo Bosi: The Rising Tyranny of Globalism, Revolution in Australia, & the Next War Cycle, Bill Ottman: Big Tech Censorship, Ideological Extremism & the Rise of Alternative Social Media. In a special July 1999 supplement entitled “The New Geopolitics,” the Economist magazine explicitly adopted Brzezinski’s “grand chessboard” analysis, arguing that the key geopolitical struggle for the “empire of democracy” led by the United States after Kosovo was the control of Eurasia and particularly Central Asia. Takeover, BLM/Antifa Revolution & the Way Forward, C.J. Tom Luongo: Has The Deep State Defeated Trump In Syria? Dan Kovalik: The CIA and Deep State Plot To Attack Iran. Hopkins: The Virus of Mass Destruction & Brave New Totalitarian Normal, John Rubino: The Bursting Financial Bubble, Civil Unrest & Monetary Reset, William Craig Reed: Russia, China, the Arctic, the Dollar, & the United States, Edwin Black: The Algorithm Ghetto, Cashless Society & Newgenics, Chuck Baldwin: Trump as a Globalist Trojan Horse, Martial Law, & Civil War, Robert Woodberry: Empire & the Missionary Roots of Liberal Democracy, Ovigwe Eguegu: African Geopolitics in the New Cold War, Dmitry Orlov: Pandemic, Economic Collapse, & Military Conflict, Sune Sorensen: U.S. Tech Leadership, Deglobalization, & Financial Crisis, Whitney Webb: Bioterror War Games, DARPA, Technocracy & COVID-1984, Sam Husseini: The Deadly Biodefense & Biowarfare Arms Race, Gregory Copley: Nationalism vs Globalism & the US-China Total War. In an exclusive interview given to Geopolitics and Empire, Dr. Boyle discusses the coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China and the Biosafety Level 4 laboratory (BSL-4) from which he believes the infectious disease escaped. Brown: Asia Will Replace American Dominance by 2030, Dmitry Orlov: Trump, Financial Crisis & the New Cold War, William Engdahl: How MI6 & CIA Created Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda & ISIS, Annie Machon: Ex-MI5 Spy Discusses Surveillance & New Cold War, Christoph Germann: An Overview of the New Great Game for Eurasia, The North American Community Will Continue Integrating, Stephen Kinzer: US Foreign Policy & Interventionism, Alfred de Zayas: Threats to Peace & How to Fix the UN, Ambassador Allan Gotlieb: North American Politics & Integration, Daniel Estulin: ISIS is an Instrument of Anglo-American Empire. Newsletter. The Geopolitics & Empire Podcast conducts interviews with high-profile guests on geopolitics and international affairs seeking to gain insight from experts on both the left and the right as to the true nature of current events. Download Citation | The New Geopolitics of Empire | Today's imperial ideology proclaims that the United States is the new city on the hill, the capital of an empire dominating the globe. 43 talking about this. Geopolitics is the understanding of the inter-relations between empires, states, individuals, private companies, NGOs and multilateral agencies as these are expressed and shaped spatially. Link to the full interview from geopolitics and Empire. Marc Faber: The Great Reset, Thucydides Trap, & Preparing for Tough Times #196, Scott Ritter: US Empire in Decline, Biden Administration is Dangerous, Nuclear Specter Remains #195, Roger Kotila: Time for a Federal World Government? Get Antifragile! In this episode of Geopolitics and Empire, I had the opportunity to discuss the causes, history and purpose of the idea of world government which has poisoned so much of recent history. John Rubino: The Dollar Collapse and... Jul 5, 2015 by Guadalajara Geopolitics Institute. In its associations with Empire, the study of geopolitics returns continually to the ideas of a British geographer who never himself used the term. Guillermo Barba and I discuss the Austrian School of Economics,... Jun 26, 2015 by Guadalajara Geopolitics Institute. DONATE VIA BTC. Need help? Geopolitics and Empire examines the relations between two phenomena that are central to modern conceptions of international relations.
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