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About tutorials we provide the opportunity to deal flexibly with new tools, techniques and topics and to learn how they work and how to use them. • Moodle.uni-weimar.de has servers located in Weimar, Thuringia, 99425, Germany. You will be redirected to the login page of your institution. The graphic illustration provided by Anne Fuhrmann-Siekmeyer (University Osnabrück) gives a quick and helpful overview about the topic. Sie können sich mit Ihrem Uni-Login bei Moodle2 anmelden. Lecturer: Christine Hoffmann. MitarbeiterinAmalienstraße 13, Raum 004 99423 WeimarE-Mail: elab[at]uni-weimar.de, Changes the background color from white to black, Elements in focus are visually enhanced by an black underlay, while the font is whitened, How to Moodle – move your classroom online, Ways to get into contact with your students, Providing students with materials and learning content, Moodle-Tests: evaluation, feedbach and providing individual tasks. Bei allgemeinen Fragen können Sie gern über elab[at]uni-weimar.de Kontakt mit uns aufnehmen! For collaborative work, Moodle activities like scheduler, organisation of working groups, creation of wikis and glossary can be used. Jahrhunderts. There is no application deadline, ie applications can be submitted by one or more lecturers from a professorship or a course of study to the eLab using a webbased form. Logo: Bauhaus-University Weimar ≡ ... jump to contacts and information accessibility Webmail. The eTutors support teachers in planning and using digital tools in online and classroom teaching. Click here for the registration form. This video introduces the main functions. Basically, the change between online and classroom teaching, a good mix, is recommended. The plugin H5P allows the creation of interactive elements and contents . Online-Meeting: Besides BigBlueButton and Adobe Connect, DFN-conf  DFN-conf (provided by the Deutschen Forschungsnetz) can be used for online-Meetings. Lecturer: Christian Niemczik (Sudile). Mehr Infos zur Ausschreibungskriterien und Abgabeterminen hier >>>, ONLINE-TAGUNG: Welche Lerneffekte nehmen die Hochschulen aus der Corona-Krise für Studium, Lehre und Management mit? The special call for eTutors specifically supports teachers in using digital teaching tools and various online forms of teaching and learning. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. In the summer semester 2020, teaching will largely take place in digital formats. Weitere Informationen zum eTalk finden Sie >>> im Moodle-Kurs. The basic options and application scenarios of the ePortfolio are presented and tested in the course. Changes the background color from white to black, Elements in focus are visually enhanced by an black underlay, while the font is whitened. To the course >>>. Schließen Sie den Browser und versuchen Sie es erneut. For all online conferences please use: Video recording (Screencasts): You can also record your lecture simply from home, with a camera, your smartphone or via MS Powerpoint as a so-called e-lecture and set the video in moodle. Wir würden uns freuen, wenn auch Sie als Teilnehmende in den folgenden eTalks Initiative ergreifen und einen kurzen Impuls zu einem gewählten Thema geben möchten. Die Hochschulen mit Moodle als Haupt-LMS zusammengezählt (ohne z.B. Post & Telekommunikation. Email: Via e-mail you can send teaching and learning content, documents to work on and other materials to your students. Dipl.-Ing. Hochschule für Musik Weimar Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Technische Universität Ilmenau Friedrich Schiller Universität Jena If your institution is not listed and you need course access, please contact E-Learning Support. This guide by Karin Gorges (Scientific stuff member) explains how students can submit their exercises, documents and theses via Moodle. Moodle is the central learning management system of the Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. mailto:tim.helbig@hfm-weimar.de moodle.uni-weimar.de - Moodle Uni Weimar. Geschichte des Salzes. Corsi. wise2020-weimar-intellektuelle. In addition to the general functions and usage, it also explains how to create and design courses, how to contact students or how to enroll in a course room. vetmed moodle uploader. Bitte nutzen Sie Google Chrome als Browser und halten Sie ein Headset bereit. Die Universität Leipzig bietet Ihren MitarbeiterInnen und Studierenden mit Moodle eine universitätsweit unterstützte Lernplattform an. Hiermit stimmen Sie der Verwendung und Speicherung dieser personenbezogenen Daten zu. Haben Sie Fragen oder Probleme bei der Nutzung von Moodle, melden Sie sich gerne unter moodle(at)hfm-weimar.de. There, presentations can be shown, worked together on a whiteboard, or work results / lectures can be presented and discussed. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Professur Bauphysik Dipl.-Ing. Our training courses and online sessions support teachers in getting to know digital applications and services, preparing them didactically and integrating them into subject-specific teaching areas and topics. Wir laden Sie auch ein, Themen, von denen Sie sich Impulse wünschen, über das >>> Forum im Moodle-Raum zu posten. This moodle course is for all that are new in programming with max/msp. These tools can be used creatively and the discussions then take place in writing and over a longer period (over a week).6. A second video tutorial deals with interactions and feedbacks in online courses and is here to find. To the course >>>. Kurse des ehemaligen Fachbereichs 3 Does the university have its own video conference system? März 2021, 12:30 Uhr und 19. sose2020-as-beine-intellektuelle_kaiserreich. Die Anmeldung zum Diskussionsforum und zur Abgabe von Übungsblättern über Moodle wird zum 02.11.2020 freigeschaltet. You log in with your login and password.

An der Hochschule Esslingen sind rund 6.000 Studierende in 28 Bachelor- und 14 Master-Studiengängen eingeschrieben. Dates: July 23, 2020: 13-16 p.m., October 8, 2020: 10-13 a.m..  To the registration form >>>, The course includes examples of the various formats and functions that Moodle provides for the creation of digital teaching and learning materials. The system is constantly being developed and the SCC ensures data protection, online security and support.2. Bitte achten Sie bei der Eingabe Ihres. Moodle enthält außerdem Tools zur Kommunikation, zum gemeinsamen Sammeln und Bearbeiten von Informationen (Wikis) und zur Überprüfung von Wissen. März 2021 um 15:00, Mehr Infos >>> hier, „Künstliche Intelligenz in der Hochschulbildung“ Förderrichtlinie zur wirksamen Entfaltung der Schlüsseltechnologie Künstliche Intelligenz in der Breite des Hochschulsystems. : max.mustermann@uni-weimar.de) → »Einstellungen speichern« Bitte beachten Sie auch die individuellen Einstellungen Ihrer E-Mail-Signatur. In this course, you will learn the basics of planning and implementing media-based teaching and will receive numerous tips and suggestions for your courses. Organizational questions. The toolbox is a collection of tools, instructions and examples of good practice addressing e-teaching in higher education. Virtual classroom: Lectures can be held as online-conferences or webinars by using either DFN-conf, Adobe Connect (can be embedded into a moodle room) or BigBlueButton, which is available as a Moodle plug in. Jahrhunderts war noch nicht abzusehen, dass das kleine Herzogtum Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach einige Jahrzehnte später ein bedeutendes kulturelles Zentrum im deutschsprachigen Raum werden sollte. We keep the digital toolbox updated along your needs and invite you to send us your suggestions, questions and wishes to elab[at]uni-weimar.de. € 2,000 per eTutor). To the application form >>>. wise2019-beine-erinnern. If you have any questions about Moodle, please contact moodle-support@uni-weimar.de3. The participants get to know advanced functions with which they can work interactively. Registrieren . We have linked a suggestion on how you could design your teaching here. Terminplanung for Online-Meeting: Schedule your courses and invite your students for attendance using the  Terminplaner provides by Deutschen Forschungsnetz benutzen. Sobald Sie sich mit Ihren Zugangsdaten einloggen, werden Ihr Name und somit Ihre Identität dem Projekt zugeordnet, Schnell und sicher online buchen Am 24.03.2020 finden aufgrund der aktuellen Ereignisse keine Moodle Workshops für Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene statt. Oktober 2018) und besteht zum Großteil aus wöchentlichen Filmanalysen, Online-Diskussionen und Aufgaben, die den Studierenden filmisches bzw. Bei fehlenden Zugangsdaten senden Sie bitte eine Nachricht an support(at)hfm-weimar.de. Hinweis: Zugang zur Lernplattform erhalten Sie mit Ihrem Hochschul-Login. eTutors are student assistants (Bachelor and Master students) who are proposed by the teachers and who are trained and supported by the eLab team.9. Here you can find a lot of patches you can download and work with. The courses are set up on the Moodle learning platform and are intended to give you tips and suggestions for implementing your own courses with Moodle. Can only employees of the University use Moodle? Home. The eTeach-Network Thuringia provides courses for University lecturers covering topics like “How to Moodle”, “How to deal with copyright issues”, “video production” and “design basics” and more. Moodle: Teaching materials like pdf or word documents can be shared, videos can be linked (YouTube-Video) or embedded via iframe . The graphic illustration  provided by Anne Fuhrmann-Siekmeyer (Universität Osnabrück) gives a quick and helpful overview about the topic. Lecturer: Christian Niemczik (Sudile) .
Kommunikationstechnik an applications open 15 October – 31 March. you want to register and your name will automatically appear on the website. Which teaching formats are useful for online teaching? What is the eTEACH network and what does it offer? Bei fehlenden Zugangsdaten senden Sie bitte eine Nachricht an support(at)hfm-weimar.de. In this workshop you will learn tricks and tricks on how storytelling can be used effectively to improve teaching. Bauhaus-Universität Weimar. Moodle is administered externally by the Sudile company. ePortfolio (from the eTEACH program): An e-portfolio is the digital form of a portfolio that uses the new media to implement this old concept. For more and individual advise workshops are offered (number of participants is restricted to 40, a waitlist is arranged). For example, H5P can be used to integrate quizzes into videos, create digital flash cards or insert additional information in graphics. moodle. University´s cloud-service: Files and documents can be securely stored in the university cloud and shared with others. This short video explains how to register an external participant for Moodle. Lecturer: Christiane Zwick . Legal framework: A good understanding of copyright is essential to ensure the legal use of available teaching material. The pool of tutorials is continuously expanded. for students; for staff (OWA) Moodle; Course Catalogue; Message Boards; DE; EN; Shortcuts DE; EN; Search Search.

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