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O patrão da ESCOM é o português que mais aparece nos Panama Papers, logo seguido por Luís Horta e Cos ta, com dezenas de offshores criados nos últimos 20 anos para os negócios do Grupo Espírito de Santo em África, escreve Micael Pereira. The president of Botswana’s highest court, Ian Kirby, invested in seven offshore companies domiciled and registered in the British Virgin Islands, writes Ntibinyane Ntibinyane. African tax havens are frequently used as cogs in the wheels of corporate, criminal and political activities that desire legal and financial veils, writes Khadija Sharife. Show how major banks have driven the creation of hard-to-trace companies in offshore havens. Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin goes back a long way with his friend, Sergei Chemezov. In May 2014, lawyers from Budapest, Hungary, needed to arrange a power of attorney for an offshore company related to Serbian businessman Igor Sabo. Despite international laws requiring the disclosure of the origins of gold, a tranche of leaked documents points to unsavoury behaviour by companies and banks trading in commodities, writes Khadija Sharife. The Panama Papers have revealed ties between a Windhoek-based attorney and the Italian mafia, Cosa Nostra, writes Shinovene Immanuel, Ndanki Kahiurika and Tileni Mongudhi. Une fuite de documents internes révèle la création de sociétés offshore via Panama et expose comment le droit tunisien est contourné pour éviter de payer des impôts sur les actifs à l'étranger. Panama Papers: Europol links 3,500 names to suspected criminals. The journalists investigated 11.5 million (!) The investigation of these new documents has enabled journalists to tie many loose ends, to uncover even more wrongdoing, and to reveal new twists and turns in what was once a hermetically closed world of offshore dealings. The Panama Papers have revealed more information about how offshore oil profits from Nigeria’s ‘black gold’ Agbami oil fields have vanished, writes Khadija Sharife. ERATĂ: Initial am folosit fotografia greșită în cazul profilului lui Radu Ciorbă. criminals. 214,488 different companies, trusts and foundations are mentioned in the documents. ICIJ’s data and research unit indexed, organized and analyzed the 2.6 terabytes of data that make up the leak, using collaborative platforms to communicate and share documents with journalists working in 25 languages in nearly 80 countries. Law enforcement agency analysis uncovers probable matches connected to terrorism, money laundering and organised crime. PAIA Manual | Serbian businessmen are well represented in the records of Mossack Fonseca, a firm based in the offshore tax haven of Panama that helps clients worldwide avoid scrutiny and taxes. Jan 4th. Leyla and Arzu Aliyeva, daughters of Azerbaijan President Ilham Aliyev, and their cousins Mirjalal and Mir Jamal Pashayev, own multimillion dollar properties in London. Several high level officials of the Russian government have hidden offshore companies in Panama and the British Virgin Islands. Panama Papers: The secret offshore world of the elite Millions of documents show heads of state, criminals and celebrities using secret hideaways in … Liutauras Varanavičius, the former president of the Lithuanian Football Federation (LFF), owned a shell company allegedly involved in multi-million deals with businesses belonging to Vladimir Romanov, a banker now living in Russia who is wanted by Lithuanian law enforcement. Panama Papers, documentele la originea unui rasunator scandal de evaziune fiscala la nivel mondial, au fost postate online partial luni pe site-ul Consortiului International al Jurnalistilor de … The revelations contained in the 'Panama Papers' have triggered denials as well as investigations on the part of several individuals and nations mentioned. A new leak of files shows how his lawyers scrambled to protect him behind the scenes as the publication date approached. He's connected with a group of companies that controlled a significant share of a secret business empire. According to the Panama Papers, he provided funds for the production of poison gas and the operation of torture facilities. We use cookies to improve your experience on our website. Les fuites révèlent que le milliardaire Seydou Kane , l'homme d'affaires puissance Mali-Gabonaise, a créé deux sociétés offshore. It includes nearly 40 years of data from a little-known but powerful law firm based in Panama. He could add a third to that: Master of Offshores. One of the biggest leaks in journalistic history reveals the secretive offshore companies used Countries of people implicated Countries without people implicated (excludes businesspeople and celebrities) Il s’était terminé avec la condamnation par la Cour de répression de l’enrichissement illicite (Crei) de M. Wade-fils et de ses co-accusés à des peines de prison ferme. Income inequality is one of the defining issues of our time. 14,153 different clients are mentioned in the documents. The Panama Papers: Exposing the Rogue Offshore Finance Industry A giant leak of more than 11.5 million financial and legal records exposes a system that enables crime, corruption and wrongdoing, hidden by secretive offshore companies. Le procès pour enrichissement illicite de Karim Wade, fils de l’ancien président sénégalais Abdoulaye Wade, a connu son verdict il y a un an. The new leak consists of 1.2 million documents which mostly cover the years 2016 and 2017. Aleksey Krapivin, the son of a close associate of Vladimir Yakunin, the former president of Russian Railways, runs a business empire built with state contracts that control several hundred million rubles in government funds spent on railroads in Russia. Document some $2 billion in transactions secretly shuffled through banks and shadow companies by associates of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Accept. The Panama Papers. The First Family of Azerbaijan has taken control of some of the country’s richest gold, copper and silver deposits through a network of offshore companies incorporated in the world’s most secretive jurisdictions, according to leaked Mossack Fonseca records. The leak refers to 202 different countries. A collection of documents leaked from a secretive offshores services firm in Panama shines a light on how some Czech business operatives were clandestinely linked to others in some of the country’s more notorious financial scandals. Find out more or opt-out. Include the names of at least 33 people and companies blacklisted by the U.S. authorities for doing business with drug traffickers, terror groups and/or rogue nations like North Korea and Iran. As the Kazakh economy was reeling from falling oil prices, its currency lost more than half its value. only 149 documents out of - Editor of the Süddeutsche Zeitung, the German newspaper that obtained the Panama Papers “Just wait for what is coming next”. Als Panama Papers [ˈpanaˌmaː ˈpeɪpəʳz] (deutsch Panama-Papiere) werden vertrauliche Unterlagen des panamaischen Offshore-Dienstleisters Mossack Fonseca bezeichnet, die infolge eines 2,6 Terabyte großen Datenlecks am 3. Panama papers Le 4 avril dernier, le onso tium intenational des jounalistes d’in Àestigation (IIJ) suivi de 108 médias ... Si les Panama Papes p o Ào uent de telles seousses, ’est sans doute pae u’ils éèlent des pratiques occultes par essence, et qui concernent l’ensem le de l’éonomie mondiale. Ce nom est quasi inconnu de la plupart des Burkinabè. De nouveaux documents révèlent combien l’accouchement du premier réseau GSM du pays aura été pénible, Richard Warren Hitt. Panama Papers The Panama Papers lift the lid on how offshore companies are used by the global elite to conceal the ownership and control of assets and property worth billions. The trove of documents is likely the biggest leak of inside information in history. Responding to SNA in an email this week on the Seychelles stance, the Minister of Finance, Trade and Blue Economy said that follow-up investigations will determine if there is a case to answer. Tor is an encrypted anonymising network that makes it harder to intercept internet communications, or see where communications are coming from or going to.. A network of proxies enabled Farouk Ismail, one of Botswana’s wealthiest people and a major shareholder of the Choppies retail chain, to set up a holding company in the Bahamas, write Joel Konopo and Ntibinyane Ntibinyane. Banking records obtained by OCCRP show that cellist Sergei Roldugin, Russian President Vladimir Putin's old friend, received money from an offshore company at about the same time it was being used to steal money from the Russian government in the notorious Sergei Magnitsky case. The Panama Papers have shed further light on Algerian businessman Farid Bedjaoui’s connection to bribes worth $275 million for securing Algerian oil and gas contracts for Italian energy company Saipem, writes Will Fitzgibbon. Prosecutors in the US say Slovenian Mihael Karner is a major dealer in anabolic steroids, who since 2000 has pulled in more than US$ 50 million by illegal sales over the internet, using a global network of websites and intermediaries in the United Kingdom (UK) and Italy among other countries. His 108,000 square foot glass house perches on a hill above the capital city of the country he returned to rule as prime minister after leaving for neighboring Russia as a young man and accumulating billions of dollars before moving back to Georgia in 2004. Investec’s claims that it has no ties to Panama-based law firm Mossack Fonseca are undermined by the mention of its name in 24,732 documents in the Panama Papers and existing trails of business connections in known tax havens, writes Barry Sergeant Read Story The documents range from 1977 to December 2015. les fils adoptifs de la vicomtesse Amicie DE SPOELBERCHT volent leur mere. The second-largest state-owned bank in Russia, VTB, is on very good terms with the Kremlin. DESIGNED BY 18. Dans l’univers des paradis fiscaux et des sociétés offshore, Samir Abdelli nage comme un poisson dans l’eau. Find out who’s behind almost 500,000 offshore companies, foundations and trusts from the Panama Papers, the Offshore Leaks and the Bahamas Leaks investigations, and explore the offshore financial data from some politicians featured in the Paradise Papers investigation. to hide wealth, evade taxes and commit fraud by the world's dictators, business tycoons and Locked in the files of a Panama law firm are the answers to mysteries involving Van Goghs, Picassos, Rembrandts and other masterworks. The Panama Papers have linked Russian billionaire and Namibian land baron Rashid Sardov to a number of unscrupulous offshore companies, writes Shinovene Immanuel. Mohammad Zahoor, a Ukraine-based British millionaire of Pakistani origin, was caught up in a far-reaching investigation in 1998 by Ukrainian investigators examining whether politicians Yulia Tymoshenko and Pavlo Lazarenko might have worked together to control the gas industry in Ukraine. Terms of Use, ANCIR is being incubated by Code for Africa. Zero. Los Panama Papers (los papièrs de Panamà) designan la fugida de mai de 11,5 milions de documents confidencials eissits del cabinet d'avocats panamenc Mossack Fonseca, destalhant d'informacions sus mai de 214 000 societats offshore amb los noms dels accionaris d'aquelas societats. Scandales financiers, mépris vis-à-vis des lois du pays, drames sociaux, pertes en vies humaines… évasion fiscale, les patrons de Wacem, Diamond Cement, ATS, Togo-Rail ont tout commis ces vingt (20) dernières années au Togo. Africa’s richest man, Aliko Dangote, and his brother Sayyu Dantata have been linked to shell companies in tax havens, writes Joshua Olufemi and Emmanuel Mayah. Au terme de deux décennies d’ « exploitation à grande échelle » du calcaire togolais, les Indiens de Wacem et leurs soutiens laissent derrière eux un champ de désolation. Kenya’s Deputy Chief Justice Kalpana Rawal was a director and a shareholder of four companies located in a known tax haven, writes Jacqui Kubania. Apr 03, 2021. The investigation was conducted by almost 400 journalists from around the world. 109 different media organizations in 76 different countries worked together on investigating the Panama Papers, including OCCRP, Panama Papers: Our Journalism Speaks for Itself, See all 14 politicians and businesspeople. Panama Papers: EU streicht mehrere Länder von der Liste der Steueroasen Um politischen Druck aufzubauen, hatte die EU vor anderthalb Monaten Steueroasen wie Panama auf eine schwarze Liste … Viele Prominente zittern, weil sie ins Visier der Steuerbehörden geraten könnten. Leaked documents show details about the connection between a convicted Italian mafioso and Zacky Nujoma, the youngest son of Namibia’s founding president Sam Nujoma, write Tileni Mongudhi and Ndanki Kahiurika. Regretăm această eroare. The World’s Best Cross-BorderInvestigative Team, ANCIR is not responsible for the content of external sites | The Panama Papers (Spanish: Papeles de Panamá) are 2.6TB of data or 11.5 million leaked documents that detail financial and attorney–client information for more than 214,488 offshore entities leaked beginning on 3 April 2016. Subscribe. Letitia Diergaardt, a receptionist in Namibia, is an owner and shareholder of nine different offshore companies, despite allegedly knowing nothing about it, writes Shinovene Immanuel. Two years after the Panama Papers rocked the offshore financial system, a fresh document leak from Panamanian law firm Mossack Fonseca reveals new financial details about an array of global elites, including soccer superstar Lionel Messi, the family of the Argentine president, and a former senior Kuwaiti official convicted of looting his country’s social security system. The leak spans more than 11.5 million documents and contains 2.6 Terabytes of data. IMPACT. Vezi Detalii. The man who was once the deputy director of the body responsible for seeing that daily life ran smoothly for Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin secretly owned an offshore company in Panama for five years. Prezydent Panamy Juan Carlos Varela Rodriguez rozmawiał telefonicznie z prezydentem Francji Francois Hollande'em. Le nom de Panama Papers est une référence aux Pentagon Papers de la guerre du Viêt Nam, nom donné au dossier secret de 7 000 pages révélé au public en 1971 par le New York Times et une quinzaine d'autres journaux américains3. Die Panama Papers sorgen weltweit für Aufsehen. The head of the Nigeria Senate is accused of failing to declare his property and operating foreign accounts while in public office, write Emmanuel Mayah and Joshua Olufemi. D’après les documents fuités de Mossack Fonseca, l’avocat d’affaires est actionnaire d’une première société, avocat d’une seconde et gère les montages financiers de sociétés “prêtes à l’emploi”. Les documents citent également l'architecte Pierre Goudiaby Atepa et Aliou Sow, l'entrepreneur du Sahel Société des entreprises (CSE ). Two years after the original Panama Papers leaks, the German daily Süddeutsche Zeitung has received a fresh trove of leaked documents from Mossack Fonseca, the now-defunct Panamanian law firm. The data includes emails, financial spreadsheets, passports and corporate records revealing the secret owners of bank accounts and companies in 21 offshore jurisdictions, including Nevada, Hong Kong and the British Virgin Islands. Panama Papers are documents obtained from a Panama-based offshore services provider called Mossack Fonseca. These funds were also moved through Mossfon’s offshore companies. Homme d'affaires sénégalais a créé des sociétés offshore grâce à l'entreprise Mossack Fonseca. 12 different national leaders are named in the documents. That firm, Mossack Fonseca, has offices in more than 35 locations around the globe, and is one of the world’s top creators of shell companies, the corporate structures that can be used to hide ownership of assets. Include 11.5 million records, dating back nearly 40 years – making it the largest leak in offshore history. Cet article recense les individus cités dans les Panama Papers, en tant qu'actionnaires ou directeurs de sociétés extraterritoriales. Dodgy dealings within the Steinmetz Group seem to indicate undervaluing of Sierra Leone’s exported diamonds, write Khadija Sharife and Silas Gbandia. Leaked documents give new insights into the corporate structure of the companies involved in one of the world’s biggest mining rights scandals, writes Khadija Sharife. Opaque associations with the vice president’s stepson, a disgraced German bank president, people convicted of financial mismanagement and a private Russian bank indicate that Angola’s sovereign wealth fund may be little more than a laundering tool, writes Khadija Sharife. An exceptional diamond agreement between De Beers and one of its sightholders, Diacore, raises questions about the secrecy shaping Botswana’s diamond industry, write Khadija Sharife and Ntibinyane Ntibinyane. The documents mention 29 Forbes-listed billionaires. A community in Sierra Leone continues to oppose a diamond mining operation in its city that has links to murky offshore shell companies and dubious global diamond dealings, write Silas Gbandia, Cooper Inveen, Will Fitzgibbon, Khadija Sharife and Michael Hudson. Show company owners in billionaires, sports stars, drug smugglers and fraudsters. Leaks from the Panama Papers reveal a web of intrigue about how companies got their rights to drill for oil in Angola, writes Khadija Sharife. Further explosive stories from Zimbabwe, Kenya, South Africa and Nigeria will follow this week. Analysis done by Novaya Gazeta and the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project suggests that these limitations have done little to deter the Russian offshore patriots. Leaked data from the Panama Papers shows an offshore company was created to pay salaries to senior managers at Zimplats, but the mining company denies any knowledge of the offshore entity and its activities, writes Ray Choto. Adskillige nuværende statsledere er angivet i Panama Papers, herunder Mauricio Macri fra Argentina, Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan fra Forenede Arabiske Emirater, Petro Poroshenko fra Ukraine, kong Salman fra Saudi-Arabien og Islands statsminister Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson. Et pourtant cet Américain, naturalisé burkinabèa pendant longtemps piloté le Pic du Nahouri— l'avion de l’ancien président, Blaise Compaoré. In the wake of international and local investigations and court cases, leaked information reveals the fall from grace of one of Nigeria’s corrupt and super wealthy oil executive, writes Will Fitzgibbon. Panama Papers are documents obtained from a Panama-based offshore services provider called Mossack Fonseca. A wealthy businessman dodged international sanctions with help from company service providers, including Mossack Fonseca. Leaked documents show the paper trail of the Heritage Oil and Gas Limited Company’s attempts to avoid tax payments in Uganda, writes Tabu Butagira. High profile bankruptcy and criminal lawyer Josef Monsport’s business activities go far beyond simply protecting the interests of his VIP clients. For six days in April, President Petro Poroshenko and his lawyers repeatedly said that none of the offshore companies Poroshenko set up in the British Virgin Islands (BVI), Cyprus and the Netherlands have bank accounts or conduct any financial activities. Entre eles i a d'òmes politics, de miliardaris, d'esportius de naut nivèl o de celebritats. The fight against offshore crime will be a long campaign. It affects all of us, the world over. But the data revealed something far more insidious than a willingness to look past illegal activities. He holds shares in three offshore companies worth US$ 101 million on paper. Tor. As ANCIR started researching, it discovered data disclosing 40 years of service from Mossack Fonseca stretching from Uganda to Namibia to Sierra Leone. The documents include 21 different jurisdictions, from the British Virgin Islands and Panama to Singapore, Isle of Man, Cyprus and Niue. Judging from Odesa Mayor Hennady Trukhanov’s latest income declaration, he has no foreign business interests. 128 other current or former politicians and public officails are mentioned in the documents. The debate over its sudden acceleration has raged for years, with politicians, academics and activists alike helpless to stop its steady growth despite countless speeches, statistical analyses, a few meagre protests, and the occasional documentary. At the exact time Azerbaijani reporters were celebrating the release of their colleague, investigative reporter Khadija Ismayilova, from prison, the president of the country quietly ordered his government to buy his daughters' failed mining venture. Il est également impliqué dans une affaire de blanchiment d'argent à Paris. The International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), together with the German newspaper Suddeutsche Zeitung and more than 100 other media partners, including the African Network of Centers for Investigative Reporting (ANCIR), spent a year sifting through 11.5 million leaked files to expose the offshore holdings of world political leaders, links to global scandals, and details of the hidden financial dealings of fraudsters, drug traffickers, billionaires, celebrities, sports stars and more. More than 500 banks, their subsidiaries and their branches – including HSBC, UBS and Société Générale – created more than 15,000 offshore companies for their customers through Mossack Fonseca. Among them: the prime ministers of Iceland and Pakistan, the president of Ukraine, and the king of Saudi Arabia. English: These are the countries, where country leaders, politicians, public officials, or their close family/associates are implicated in the Panama Papers. Panama Papers (2016): the data comes from Panama law firm Mossack Fonseca, whose inner workings were exposed in the journalistic investigation published in April 2016 in conjunction with Süddeutsche Zeitung and more than 100 media partners. Mihran Poghosyan holds two impressive titles: Major General of Justice, and Armenia’s Chief Compulsory Enforcement Officer. The Mossack Fonseca leak is one of largest in journalism history. When former Moldovan Prime Minister Ion Sturza first heard about the Panama Papers, he posted a warning on his Facebook page to his former colleagues. Secret documents show how deeply the world of soccer has become enmeshed in the world of offshore havens. Or ce pilote est cité dans la fameuse affaire des Panama Papers, révélations sur les flux financiers illicites, Mohamed Rhissa Ali dit « Rimbo », patron de la société Rimbo Transport voyageurs (RTV), militant très influent du principal parti au pouvoir au Niger, a inscrit son nom dans les documents de Panama Papers. On the fifth anniversary of the Panama Papers’ launch, experts say there’s been progress in the fight against dirty money — but much more is needed. Alors que s’achève une convention, susceptible d’être renouvelée, il est difficile de percevoir ce que l’exploitation du calcaire de Tabligbo, a concrètement apporté au Togo et aux Togolais. leaked internal documents from Mossack Fonseca, a Panamanian law firm that sells anonymous offshore companies around the world, revealing its activities for the past four decades (hence the name The Panama Papers.) Sergey Roldugin isn’t just one of Vladimir Putin's closest friends. Thanks to these structures – banking secrecy, opaque shell entities, use of nominees to conceal beneficial owners etc - each year, the continent loses some $150 billion to illicit financial flows (PDF), Securely share information with Africa's finest journalists, New revelations by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ), in collaboration with 18 news organizations in Africa, expose fresh details about the misuse of corporate secrecy and hidden wealth in Africa, the world’s poorest continent. April 2016 an die Öffentlichkeit gelangten. The documents, some dating back to the 1970s, were created by, and taken from, former Panamanian law firm and corporate service provider Mossack Fonseca. Newly revealed Panama Papers files contain definitive proof that the mayor of the Ukrainian port city of Odesa, Gennadiy Trukhanov, has held Russian citizenship — something he has long denied. the continent loses some $150 billion to illicit financial flows. Documents peel away three layers of secret ownership in a conglomerate and lead to gold mines and overseas real estate, The First Family of Azerbaijan has a majority stake in another gold mining consortium, the Seychelles-based Redgold Estates, according to leaked documents. Mariana Luca Om de afaceri. To analyze and report on the new data, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) has once again organized a collaborative investigation which includes the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP) and its partner centers. Russian President Vladimir Putin insists that while the Panama Papers stories published by OCCRP and its partner Novaya Gazeta are correct, they show no corruption or illegal activity on his part. Documents show that Nurali Aliyev, the president’s grandson and Dariga Nazarbayeva’s son, had no second thoughts or conscience when deciding where to keep his money. Thus, they offer an almost first-hand account of the meltdown experienced by Mossack Fonseca in the wake of the unprecedented investigation that brought its practices to light in the first place. Serbian businessman Vladimir Delić, who was involved in the 2004 privatization of a railroad parts company along with Belgrade Mayor Siniša Mali and his father, has opened an offshore company in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The company’s questionable dealings is already well known after being exposed by investigative journalists such as Ken Silverstein. By Will Fitzgibbon. Makhlouf is thought to be the regime’s financier, and has thus been on almost every sanctions list for years. When Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko ran for the top office in 2014, he promised voters he would sell Roshen, Ukraine’s largest candy business, so he could devote his full attention to running the country. Mais on ignorait jusqu’ici par quels moyens le contact avait été noué entre la firme française et les autorités maliennes. The original Panama Papers investigation revealed how Ukraine’s president, Petro Poroshenko, used offshore companies to maintain control of his candy empire — in contradiction of his official statements. Not Rated | 1h 36min | Documentary | 6 October 2018 (USA) A documentary feature film about the biggest global corruption scandal in history, and the hundreds of journalists who risked their lives to break the story. Israeli Benjamin Steinmetz, 60, is by any definition rich, with a fortune estimated by Forbes magazine at more than US$ 1 billion. The documents were received by the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung and shared by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) with the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP). Global law firm’s customers include suspected financiers of terrorism, nuclear weapons proliferators and gunrunners. Contain details on more than 214,000 offshore entities connected to people in more than 200 countries and territories. Instead it appears that the candy magnate was more concerned about his own welfare than his country’s. The Panama Papers include approximately 11.5 million documents – more than the combined total of the Wikileaks Cablegate, Offshore Leaks, Lux Leaks, and Swiss Leaks. The documents were received by the German newspaper Süddeutsche Zeitung and shared by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) with the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP). Eight current and former members of the Politburo Standing Committee, the country's top decision makers, have relatives with secret offshore companies. A second leak of internal documents reveals the panic and chaos that marked the beginning of the end of the "Panama Papers" firm. The tender for the Walvis Bay port in Namibia is tied to a Trinidadian politician with links to Brazil’s ‘Operation Car Wash’ scandal, writes Shinovene Immanuel. It reflects a deliberate design on the part of companies like Mossack Fonseca to commercialise the inherent weaknesses of national and international legal and financial regimes by bulldozing the substance, process and purpose of “due diligence”. The Panama Papers refer to the 11.5 million leaked encrypted confidential documents that were the property of Panama-based law firm Mossack Fonseca. Putin has called the stories a Western plot to destabilize his regime.

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