Search. Summary: Atlantis has been raided and her people are trapped on a primitive world where technology is forbidden and they are forced to work as slaves.. Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis. But he always ends up being the one on the receiving end. In "Rising Part One", Rodney's attempt to channel Walter, only for Weir to shoot him a look and force him to dial normally. Find set photos and … Log in. Yet, that might be what has made him a Stargate legend. 50:46. Set in my 'One, Plus Two, Plus Two, Plus One' verse (though this can be read as a standalone McShep story), John and Rodney take their first vacation as a couple without Zach and Merra. Stargate Atlantis - S 2 E 16 - The Long Goodbye. Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Humor - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,981 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 3 - Follows: 2 - Published: 3/1 - Rodney M., John S., Teyla E., Ronon D. - Complete. Back on Atlantis, Rodney and John get used to different quarters and a slightly different dynamic. Playing next. The character’s arc over three Stargate series has seen him overcome the kinds of shortcomings and frailties that affect all of us and has helped to make him one of the most accessible characters in the franchise.. Report. 5er Komplettsatz: Stargate Atlantis Series 2: Hier bekommt Ihr 5 Figuren der Serie 2 im Bundle zum Sonderpreis ! Genre: Slash, Threesome. Pairing: Sheppard/McKay/Beckett. Colonel John Sheppard (Joe Flanigan), Dr. Rodney McKay (David Hewlett), Teyla Emmagan (Rachel Luttrell), Ronon Dex (Jason Momoa), and newcomers Dr. Jennifer Keller (Jewel Staite) and Col. Samantha Carter (Amanda Tapping) as they continue to battle the Wraith, discover new enemies, and seek out new allies in the Pegasus Galaxy. Not that Jack had ever verbalized how he felt about Daniel. Title: Loving and Loathing Author: Daisy May Fandom: Stargate Atlantis, Stargate SG-1 Genre: Alternate Universe, Challenge Response, Established relationship, Marriage of Convenience Relationship(s): Rodney McKay/John Sheppard, Jack O’Neill/Daniel Jackson/Sam Carter Content Rating: PG13 Warnings: Character Bashing Word Count: 10,321 Summary: Sometime after the death … Everyone being … Library. Just before Sheppard and Ford step through the gate to Atlantis. Bad Day . Mobile Version Login Registrieren. Top 10 Behind the Scenes Secrets From MythBusters. Juni 2005: Martin Wood: Joseph Mallozzi & Paul Mullie Während die Evakuierung schon läuft, trifft Verstärkung von der Erde ein: Marines unter dem Kommando von Col. Everett. Stargate Atlantis (27360) Stargate SG-1 (2586) Stargate - All Media Types (480) Supernatural (281) NCIS (210) Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling (196) Buffy the Vampire Slayer (TV) (194) Hawaii Five-0 (2010) (140) The Sentinel (TV) (124) Torchwood (115) Include Characters John Sheppard (18328) Rodney McKay (15856) Teyla Emmagan (6499) Ronon Dex (6134) Hintergrund der Serienentstehung. All info about SGA and characters and actors, etc, etc! (In Ägypten wurde ein ZPM gefunden.) Word Count: 53,034. A short on how well our clumsy Rodney does in a knife fight. He authorizes a joint mission to obtain a Wraith data storage device from a hive-ship. Browse more videos. There are only three ways out of the situation. Two years of voluntary celibacy and what seemed like a lifetime of making do with whatever Jack had been willing and able to give him. Local TV. Category: Stargate – Atlantis Interlude #1 Title: Interlude #1 Author: Ladyholder Fandom: SGA Warnings: Canon Typical Bullshit Wordcount: 1622 No Beta A/N: So this came out of Janus Two Step. Yet, that might be what has made him a Stargate legend. Spoiler alert; not so well. Stargate Atlantis - S 1 E 7. "Shut up and run!" Fandom: NCIS, Stargate:Atlantis, Stargate SG-1, The Sentinel Genre: Romance, Crime Drama, Fusion, Crossover Relationship(s): Tony DiNozzo/Ronon Dex, John Sheppard/Rodney McKay, Jack O’Neill/Daniel Jackson Content Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Canon-level violence, mind control, no beta, explicit sex Word Count: 19,126 Jetzt kaufen . Stargate Atlantis follows the present-day adventures of Major John Sheppard and his military team from Earth that, along with two dozen other teams, explore distant planets in the Pegasus Galaxy. Summary: Rodney’s had a bad day – but luckily Carson is there to give him what he needs. Teyla is being targeted and Rodney's just trying to help. ... "Birds are essentially dinosaurs, any paleontologist—" Ronon grabbed the back of Rodney's jacket, thrusting him forward faster. Die Serie ist nach ihrem Hauptschauplatz, der verlassenen Antiker-Hauptstadt Atlantis, benannt und wurde von Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer produziert. Stargate SG-1. I like Cowardly Abrasive Egotistical McKay better! Rejoin Stargate Atlantis team members Lt. In "Underground", he agrees to an alliance with the Atlantis Expedition after John Sheppard and Rodney McKay stumble upon a Genii underground bunker. Colonel John Sheppard.As a child McKay always wanted to be a pianist, but his teacher discouraged him from continuing to practice, believing he had no sense of the art. Stargate Atlantis - S 3 E 14 - Tao of Rodney. Series. Weitere Informationen EUR 4,44 (inkl. 4 years ago | 11.3K views. Template:ATL-2 The second season of Stargate: Atlantis was a period of exploration for the members of the Atlantis expedition. Sign up. Stargate Atlantis (SciFi-Serie) USA | CDN/2007 am 11.04.2021 um 08:15 Uhr im TV-PROGRAMM: alle Infos, alle Sendetermine Dazu gehören auch Figuren zu "Stargate: Atlantis". 4 years ago | 10.6K views. Radek Zelenka is a scientist from the Czech Republic and a member of the Atlantis expedition who is assigned to the science department and also presumably the second-in-command under Chief Science Officer, Dr. Rodney McKay - however he did claim to be the head of his own department. Fandom: Stargate: Atlantis Pairing: John/Rodney, Other M/M Content Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Little bit of violence, shotgun wedding (sort of) Word Count: 10k Summary: Following an energy source, Rodney drifts into a sacred temple he was warned not to enter. Registriere dich kostenlos und erhalte Zugriff auf Favoriten, Mail, Lesezeichen, Farbvorlagen, Download von Geschichten uvm.! Geschichten und Texte zu Stargate Atlantis - Stargate - Serien & Podcasts - Fanfiction | Seite 2 . Report. Dr. Meredith Rodney McKay is not your typical TV action hero. It starts off with some nearly-gratuitous porn, though, just because I needed some of that in my life. Rated: NC-17. Stargate Atlantis The Lost is book two of the exciting new Stargate Atlantis Legacy series. Dr. Meredith Rodney McKay is not your typical TV action hero. Watch fullscreen. Serie 2 besteht dabei aus den folgenden Figuren: Dr. Rodney McKay - … And, more importantly, why do they keep on hurting Rodney? 50:41. Neues Forum Hilfe / Support Tutorials Folge uns Fanshop Sponsor werden. The character’s arc over three Stargate series has seen him overcome the kinds of shortcomings and frailties that affect all of us and has helped to make him one of the most accessible characters in the franchise. Browse more videos. Follow. NEWS: 1st May 2020. Part Two Chapter Eleven “This quorum is called to order!” Rodney almost had to shout to make himself be heard over the top of the noise that his people were putting out. Stargate- Atlantis S 2 Ep 6- … Directed by William Waring. Stargate Atlantis ist ein Spin-off der Fernsehserie Stargate SG-1. Die Figuren an sich sind jeweils ca. 15cm groß, haben mehrere Gelenke, um sie in die richtige Pose zu bringen, und kommen mit Zubehör. 4 years ago | 10.6K views. Though Rainbow Sun Francks, playing Lt. Aiden Ford left the cast, Jason Momoa joined the cast as the character of Ronon Dex was created, and Paul McGillion, playing Dr. Carson Beckett, was upgraded to a regular character. 2:00. 49:23. Doktor Meredith Rodney McKay (* 1968) ist kanadischer Astrophysiker und Mitglied des Atlantis-Expeditionsteams.Er gilt zusammen mit Samantha Carter als Koryphäe auf dem Gebiet der Stargate-Technologie.. Lebenslauf. MwSt.) With Joe Flanigan, Torri Higginson, Rachel Luttrell, Jason Momoa. Funny moments in Stargate Atlantis. Stargate SG-1. Stargate Atlantis - S 3 E 14 - Tao of Rodney. Stargate SG-1. Follow. Weiterhin ist bei jeder Figur der Series 1 und Series 2 ein Teil dabei, um schließlich ein Atlantis-Stargate zusammenbauen zu können. März 2005: 22. Then the science teams discover a machine that has a really pronounced effect on all the native ATA carriers. Stargate Atlantis - S 2 E 16 - The Long Goodbye. STARGATE ATLANTIS: The Lost (Book two in the Legacy series) (Stargate Atlantis: Legacy series 2) (English Edition) eBook: Graham, Jo, Griswold, Amy: Kindle-Shop Playing next . Back from the Well . Stargate Atlantis - S 2 E 16 - The Long Goodbye. The Web's most complete photo and screencap gallery for the Stargate franchise! 11:57. Stargate: Insurrection by Tigerlily Brown reviews. The leader of the Genii in the first two seasons of Stargate Atlantis. Dr. Meredith Rodney McKay, PhD (portrayed by British-born, Canadian actor David Hewlett) is probably the most popular character on Stargate: Atlantis, and one of science fiction’s greatest nerds.McKay is a certified genius, and a peerless expert in his field… but he’s also obnoxious, self-centered, arrogant, conceited, competitive, insecure, condescending and whiny. The Siege, Part 3 (201) - atl 202 2234 - Stargate Image Gallery. The Web's most complete, most updated Stargate news and reference guide! Who's doing it? Title: In A Vacuum Author: Sunfire Fandom: Stargate Atlantis, NCIS Genre: Crossover, Drama, First Time, Hurt/Comfort, Romance, Slash Relationship(s): John Sheppard/Rodney McKay, Tony DiNozzo/Ronon Dex Content Rating: R Warnings: Indirect Mention of Child Abuse Word Count: 62,595 Summary: Weir abandons Atlantis in order to ascend, John and Rodney clean up her mess while … When that didn’t work, he grabbed one of the empty laptop cases piled behind him and whapped… Continue reading. WatchMojo . With a little bit of Rodney- and John whump. Diese Liste der Stargate-Atlantis-Episoden enthält alle 100 Episoden der Science-Fiction-Serie Stargate Atlantis ... (Part Two) 25. The Atlantis team finds a program in the Atlantis database which throws Mckay and Sheppard into a Simsesque game that could destroy two civilizations in the Pegasus Galaxy. Stargate Atlantis - S 2 E 17 - Coup d'Etat. Stargate: Atlantis - Rated: T - English - Friendship/Hurt/Comfort - Chapters: 6 - Words: 21,024 - Reviews: 27 - Favs: 42 - Follows: 8 - Published: 1/16/2010 - Teyla E., Rodney M. - Complete. Die Idee eines Ablegers entstand, nachdem der US-amerikanische Fernsehsender … A brilliant astrophysicist and one of the world's leading experts on the Stargate, Dr. Meredith Rodney McKay is a member of the Atlantis base's lead reconnaissance unit, under the command of Lt. Fandom: Stargate SG-1, Criminal Minds, Stargate Atlantis Genre: AU, Future Fic, Pre ... he hoped, was the culmination of fifteen years of wanting and waiting. Als Kind wollte McKay immer Pianist werden, aber sein Lehrer war der Meinung, dass er keinen Sinn für Kunst habe. Rodney McKay from Stargate Atlantis: I dont know why in pictures they always show Cool Guy Alternate Universe McKay. The most up-to-date Stargate news, episode summaries and in-depth analyses, plus spoilers and info on upcoming episodes, photos, weekly episode reviews and articles, online forums, The Stargate Omnipedia, and more! Summary: This is an alternate universe series in that Rodney McKay never went to Atlantis, the mission failed within it’s first two years and John Sheppard finds himself back on Earth as the second in command of Stargate Command under the leadership of Major General Jack O’Neill. Stargate SG-1. 7 talking about this. Beide basieren auf dem Kinofilm Stargate aus dem Jahr 1994. Option A – leave Rodney behind. Stargate Atlantis Aussenseiter Sachen Zu Verkaufen.
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