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For evaluation, the data and documentation of the national dataset (Azerbaijan, ZA4785) can be downloaded from the GESIS data catalog. Its most recent data gathering exercise was in 2008, the fourth of its kind. The European Values Study is a large-scale, cross-national and longitudinal survey of attitudes, opinions and values.EVS is produced by Tilburg University and partners, using representative national adult population samples and face-to-face interviews. It is a unique research project on how Europeans think about life, family, work, religion, politics and society. European Values Study (EVS) Die European Values Study 1981-2017 ist eine transnationale empirische Langzeitstudie, die in Verantwortung der European Values Study Foundation durchgeführt wird. Data Catalogue Please carefully check socio-demographic distributions (e.g. | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate L’analyse empirique utilise les données de l’ISSP International Social Survey Programm (2001) et de l’EVS European Values Studies (2008). Online study information about EVS 2008. Diese Studie untersucht Werte und Einstellungen zu den Lebensbereichen Arbeit, Familie, Religion und Politik. EUROPEAN VALUES STUDY MASTER QUESTIONNAIRE 2008 FINAL VERSION 7 March 2008 . Das ist eine der zentralen Fragen in der European Values Study (EVS) – einer transnationalen empirischen Langzeitstudie über die Vorstellungen der Europäer zu Familie, Arbeit, Religion, Politik und Gesellschaft. The contract allowing for off-site access can be downloaded here. For more information on survey design and standards of EVS 2008, go to Methods and sample. Die Durchführung der Studie wird in jedem der 33 untersuchten europäischen Länder von Fachleuten betreut. Die Europäische Wertestudie ist ein europaweites Forschungsnetzwerk, das die „European Values Study“ (EVS) erhebt. The European Values Study (EVS) is a large-scale, cross-national, repeated cross-sectional survey research programme on basic human values. In Value Contrasts and Consensus in Present-Day Europe, we (Wil Arts and I) have collected a considerable number of contributions that paint the moral landscape of Europe by empirically-theoretically analyzing age, education, and marital status) indicating problems regarding sample design and fieldwork, respectively. European Values Study; 4th wave 2008; 4th EVS wave 2008 (ZA4800) Latest news on this wave; Due to data security reasons, the EVS 2008 is offered in two different versions: EVS 2008 Integrated Dataset, ZA4800, v.4.0.0 (2016-04-15), doi:10.4232/1.12458. Participating countries and country-information – Survey 2017, Participating countries and territories – Joint EVS/WVS, Participating countries and country-information – Survey 1981, Participating countries and country-information – Survey 1990, Participating countries and country-information – Survey 1999, Participating countries and country-information – Survey 2008, Data and documentation – Longitudinal file, Where to get the data – Longitudinal file, Participating countries and country-information. Moral, religious, societal, political, work, and family values of Europeans. Chypre a participé à l’enquête avec un échantillon 1000 personnes. The resulting Integrated Values Surveys 1981-2014 will cover surveys conducted in 113 countries/regions. Launch Research Feed. FINAL QUESTIONNAIRE FOR EUROPEAN VALUE SURVEY (2008) 28/01/2008 2 Hello. Where is Europe heading? Topic Classification. Findings from the Human Values Scale. In total, the fieldwork is administered in 47 countries/regions: Albania, Armenia, Austria, Azerbaijan*, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Great-Britain, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia Republic, Malta, Republic of Moldova, Republic of Montenegro, The Netherlands, Northern Cyprus, Northern Ireland, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Serbia, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine. Related to the current release of the EVS 2008, two approaches are combined: refined anonymization measures are applied to the data, and appropriate ways of access to anonymized and sensitive data are implemented. FINAL QUESTIONNAIRE FOR EUROPEAN VALUE SURVEY (SLOVAKIA 2008) 28/5/2008 2 Hello. On this page you find the complete metadata and an overview of all available data sets and documents for the requested study. In dieser Studie … Face-to-face interviews with a standardized questionnaire were conducted between 2008-2010 (exceptions are Finland (internet panel) and Sweden (postal survey). C’est l’enquête qui existe depuis le plus longtemps (tous les neuf ans depuis 1981) et qui concerne le plus grand nombre de pays. 03/03/21. Method report retrieval of EVS 2008 allows for full-text searches in EVS guidelines and method reports of both integrated and national datasets. The European Values Study 1981-2017 is a large-scale, cross-national and longitudinal survey research program carried out under the responsibility of the European Values Study Foundation. EVS 2008 has a persistent focus on a broad range of values. It shows the similarities and differences between the citizens of 46 European countries, and also provides insights into long-term trends by presenting data for the period 1981-2008. » European Values Study Longitudinal Data File 1981-2008 (EVS 1981-2008) » Religion and Morale; Explore dataset Dataset: European Values Study Longitudinal Data File 1981-2008 (EVS 1981-2008) Variable F154: Compatriots do: lying in own interest Literal Question. EVS 2008 Integrated Dataset (Restricted Use File), ZA4799, v.1.0.0 (2016-04-15), doi:10.4232/1.12483. EUROPEAN VALUES STUDY QUESTIONNAIRE FRANCAIS Numéro du questionnaire !__ !__ !__ !__ !__ ! Heure de début Minutes de début . Your name has been … Compilation of the data sets from 1981, 1990, 1999, and 2008. | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate To prevent the identification of single respondents, specific information is aggregated into coarse categories providing users with less detailed information on respondent’s residence and occupation. • EVS 2008 Integrated Dataset (Restricted Use File), ZA4799, v.1.0.0 (2016-04-15), doi:10.4232/1.12483. We are carrying out the [NATION] part of a European-wide study on what people value in life. Important update on ESS Round 10 fieldwork . The variable overview allows for comparisons of trend variables of the four EVS waves 1981, 1990, 1999, and 2008. and date, and a Digital Object Identifier (doi). EVS 2008 has a persistent focus on a broad range of values. In order to uniquely identify a dataset and to make access to data easier, the doi is linked to the Study Description of the dataset in the . Request PDF | On Jan 1, 2011, Evelyn Brislinger and others published European Values Study 2008: project and data management. Documentation: as of 2016-04-15. This data file contains complete information, i.e., also data that could not be included in the SUF because of data protection concerns. La European Values Study (EVS) constitue aujourd’hui le programme de recherche le plus complet sur l’évolution des valeurs. Variable Report (VR) The European Values Study is a large-scale, cross-national, and longitudinal survey research program on basic human values providing insight into the ideas, beliefs, preferences, attitudes, values and opinions of citizens all over Europe. Search. Source. JavaScript is disabled for your browser. It is a large-scale, cross-national, and longitudinal survey research program on how Europeans think … ZA4800, Versi For an overview of the sponsors of the 2008 European Values Study, click here. L’enquête 2008 de l’European Values Study comporte plusieurs questions relatives à la religion. Zudem werden detaillierte soziodemographische Angaben über Alter, Herkunft, Bildung und ähnliches erfragt. 2016│2 EVS 2008 - Variable Report Integrated Dataset Documentation release 2016/04/15 Related to the Integrated Datasets GESIS Study No. Skip to search form Skip to main content > Semantic Scholar's Logo. L'analyse empirique utilise les données de l'ISSP International Social Survey Programm (2001) et de l'EVS European Values Studies (2008). AU - Gelissen, J. Les résultats donnent un aperçu de l’attitude des Chypriotes envers la religion et les organisations religieuses. Die Durchführung der Studie wird in jedem der 33 untersuchten europäischen Länder von Fachleuten betreut. Zudem werden detaillierte soziodemographische Angaben über Alter, Herkunft, Bildung und ähnliches erfragt. Data and Documentation – Overview of all data and documentation provided on the Integrated Dataset of EVS 2008 Participating countries and country-information– Overview of documentation provided on the national datasets of EVS 2008 Where to get the data – General information on how to download EVS 2008 data. Documentation: as of 2016-04-15 Data are available for download and online analysis. The European Social Survey runs a programme of research to support and enhance the methodology that underpins the high standards it pursues in every aspect of survey design, data collection and archiving. Users who are interested in analyzing Azerbaijanian data of EVS wave 2008 should note that there are problems with data quality. You are currently offline. It provides insights into the ideas, beliefs, preferences, attitudes, values and opinions of citizens all over Europe. using the European Value Study (EVS) dataset, with 27 European countries being examined throughout time (1990-1993 and 2008-2010). Valeurs communes et différences nationales, Armand). Online variable information for all EVS waves 1981-2008 European Values Study 2008 - Project and Data Management 11 Introduction The report at hand deals with the fourth European Values Study wave carried out between 2008 and 2010 in 47 Eurpean countries/regions. The fourth wave in 2008 covers no less than 47 European countries/regions, from Iceland to Georgia and from Portugal to Norway. The European Union is set up with the aim of ending the frequent and bloody wars between neighbours, which culminated in the Second World War. Respondents answered about 250 questions; on average, it took about 70 minutes to complete an interview. With more than 47 participating countries, the EVS is the most comprehensive research project on human values in Europe. With thousands of participants from all over Europe, the "European Values Study" found, for example, that 29 respondents out of 100 think that men generally make better political leaders than women. Dataset: European Values Study Longitudinal Data File 1981-2008 (EVS 1981-2008) Abstract. The European Values Study 1981-2017 is a large-scale, cross-national and longitudinal survey research program carried out under the responsibility of the European Values Study Foundation. Since 1993, Brill Academic Publishers, in cooperation with EVS, has published the European Values Study Series, which includes 17 volumes. You are here: Home > Publications > LISER > Working Papers of LISER > N° 2010-12 Les valeurs au Luxembourg : Premiers résultats du programme European Values Study. As a result, the two versions of the EVS 2008 IDS are made available through different access ways: Some features of this site may not work without it. II. Heute wird die Studie, die alle neun Jahre wiederholt werden soll (bisherige Erhebungen 1981, 1990, 1999/2000, 2008), von einer Stiftung mit dem Namen European Values Study getragen. Due to the high-quality standards, data collection was very costly: almost 6 million Euros. AU - Halman, L. PY - 2018. The European Values Study 1981-2017 is a large-scale, cross-national and longitudinal survey research program carried out under the responsibility of the European Values Study Foundation. Data and Documentation. In addition to testing the predictions of factor-proportions models with new data, I … The data of the European Values Study are available free of charge. Today, all European countries are involved in the European Values Study. Please carefully check socio-demographic distributions (e.g. Y1 - 2018. Field Questionnaire (FQ) Due to the sensitive nature of the data, its use is subject to specific contractual regulations. This fourth wave of the European Values Study covers all countries of Europe, from Iceland to Azerbaijan and from Portugal to Norway, with a population of 100,000 and more. A serious improvement is the rich set of socio-demographic background variables which was added to the questionnaire, facilitating far-reaching analyses of the determinants of values. Dataset: European Values Study Longitudinal Data File 1981-2008 (EVS 1981-2008) Abstract . Latest news on this wave; Due to data security reasons, the EVS LdF is offered in two different versions: EVS Longitudinal Data File 1981-2008, ZA4804, v.3.0.0 (2015-10-30), doi:10.4232/1.12253. Published Version. GESIS-Variable Reports No. Using data from the 2008/2009 wave of the European Values Study, I examine the determinants – demographic, socio-economic and ideological – of individual-level attitudes towards immigrants and of preferences over variously restrictive immigration policy regimes in the European Union (EU-27). The download of all files is possible from our central search page under the following link: ZA4787 Downloads and Data Access . … The variable overview allows for comparisons of trend variables of the four EVS waves 1981, 1990, 1999, and 2008.

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