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PPG Switzerland GmbH, Volketswil. We are owned by PPG Industries - The world's leading paint company. Praxisgeprüfte Farbtonfindung Mit easyColour treffen Sie jeden Ton! PPG lancia ProductApp, una nuova app mobile dedicata al settore refinish, a supporto delle carrozzerie PPG, MAXMEYER ® e NEXA AUTOCOLOR ®. Across the course ' Green Belt Formation. and model-year cues. PPG Industries (NYSE:PPG) is launching new branding for leading automotive refinish brand NEXA AUTOCOLOR® coatings to give a fresh look to its full range of premium products. Guaranteed next day delivery anywhere in the UK to automotive, commercial and industrial markets. Eso es NEXA AUTOCOLOR. 326 likes. Title: NEXA AUTOCOLOR® COURSE CATALOGUE 2021, Author: PPG Refinish Scandinavia, Name: NEXA AUTOCOLOR® COURSE CATALOGUE 2021, Length: 28 pages, Page: 1, Published: 2020-12-16 . Product Code. PPG Industries, Inc. NEXA AUTOCOLOR® brand is one of three automotive refinish brands from market leader PPG Industries. Porteføljen vår omfatter fire varemerker: PPG, Nexa Autocolor, Max Meyer og Selemix. PPG Online Color Formulations; NEXA AUTOCOLOR ® Online Color; Identify a Color. All of the latest news. Our goal is … One of the bigest company in the world of colors with NEXA Autocolor, MaxMeyer Refinish and CMC Spray booth (Vertrieb, Planung, Montage und Service) Refinish Locator Distributor Body Shop. One PPG Place Pittsburgh Pennsylvania 15272 USA. Dear Valued Customer, PPG appreciate the trust you place in us as your paint supplier and partner. PPG Refinish UK & Ireland Chemicals Stowmarket, England 301 followers For nearly 100 years, we’ve delivered the automotive, commercial fleet and light industrial coatings the world needs. Application Type: Spray-On. PPG Refinish e Honda Motor Europe collaborano insieme da 5 anni, e vantano oggi una partnership consolidata. Toujours à la pointe de l'innovation, la marque Nexa Autocolor s'est positionnée comme leader en proposant une solution à chaque situation grâce à des produits adaptés, une colorimétrie exceptionnelle et à des procédés de réparations efficaces. Paint It updates include smoother functionality and a faster search feature that generates color identification results through original equipment manufacturer (OEM), usage (wheel, trim, etc.) easyColour. PPG Envirobase HP; PPG Deltron; PPG Progress UHS; PPG Delfleet; MaxMeyer festékrendszerek. Forgot Password. Zum Vernetzen anmelden PPG Industries. The innovative AQUABASE® Plus waterborne line will be the first to benefit from updated product packaging followed by the globally recognised 2K® product line. Select a store to see pricing & availability Color: Clear. PPG World Wide; Contact Us; Login ; Home Distributor list; Distributor list. NEXA Autocolor / MaxMeyer Car Refinish / Selemix Zürich und Umgebung, Schweiz 500+ Kontakte. Si chiama ProductApp ed è la nuova App dedicata al settore refinish, realizzata da PPG, a supporto delle carrozzerie PPG, MAXMEYER® e NEXA AUTOCOLOR ®. Colour made simple. Find a list of our distributors and dealers below. MaxMeyer News. Container Size: 258 Gram. Nous vous accompagnons dans l'utilisation des produits NEXA AUTOCOLOR® au travers de conseils vidéos pratiques. Colour Tools. ABOUT AUTOMOTIVE REFINISH | ABOUT PPG | LEGAL NOTICES & PRIVACY POLICIES | TRADEMARK OWNERSHIP | GLOBAL CODE OF ETHICS | CONTACT US | SITE MAP | UNITED STATES. Nos produits . MaxMeyer is a ppg paint company for the collision sector, which offers Bodyshop solutions for car repairs ranging from primers to clearcoats. La ventaja que se dibuja en la línea del horizonte de los materiales y procesos del taller de chapa y … Market leader. Welcome to PPG Refinish Distribution. Paint It updates include smoother functionality and a faster search feature that generates color identification results through OEM, usage (wheel, trim, etc.) PPG will be changing the container type of Nexa Autocolor® 2K® 1 liter cans. Collision industry professionals using PPG, NEXA AUTOCOLOR® and MAXMEYER® brand products now have free access at any time to the most current automotive color information. Dzięki aplikacji PPG możemy zaoferować najprostszy sposób na dostęp do najbardziej przydatnych informacji dotyczących produktów PPG, Nexa Autocolor® oraz Max Meyer® w języku polskim. ... Sign up to the MAXMEYER® E-newsletters. The reapproval deal will include PPG, NEXA AUTOCOLOR ® and MAXMEYER ® refinish brands. SUPPORT. Canada - PPG… The free multilingual app provides users with quick and easy online access to information about products and how to use them, with simplified technical data sheets (TDS) highlighting the most important details and advice. National coverage. PPG Refinish Nexa Autocolor 258 Gram Clear Spray UV Primer Part #: P110-5000-300M Line: PPG. Welcome to the Automotive Refinish + Commercial Coatings content hub! @[129999057173880:274:PPG Refinish Iberia] collaborates with @[628322983919321:274:Percar], Audi and Volkswagen official dealership belonging to the Perez Rumbao group, in improving their #processes. NEXA AUTOCOLOR la marca que ofrece soluciones más innovadoras para el mercado del repintado. The best products & services . Neben der Kernkompetenz Produkte und Farbtöne bietet Nexa Autocolor individuell auf den Betrieb zugeschnittene Konzepte zur Geschäftsentwicklung. Nexa Autocolor brand pioneered low-volatile … … PPG Industries, Inc . We market our products towards both workshops and distributors, through our wide network of competent distributors, who all are updated on the newest capabilities and products. La riconferma dell'accordo coinvolgerà tutti e tre i brand refinish PPG, MAXMEYER ® e NEXA AUTOCOLOR ®. Sulla base di questa relazione di successo, entrambe le parti hanno deciso di continuare la loro collaborazione per altri 5 anni. PPG is a streamlined, efficient manufacturer that operates on the leading edge of new technologies and solutions. To help maintain and optimise the repair process for its vehicles, KME will now officially benefit from PPG’s automotive products and services in the leading NEXA AUTOCOLOR®, PPG and MAXMEYER® refinish brands in its network of 2,146 collision centres in 16 European countries. Collision industry professionals using PPG, NEXA AUTOCOLOR ® and MAXMEYER ® brand products now have free 24/7 access to the most current automotive color information. Carsten Seyer, Senior Business Development Manager for PPG refinish Systems in Europe, Middle East and Africa, says: “PPG, MaxMeyer and Nexa Autocolor have been able to provide great benefits to Honda body shops across … … PRODUCTS. TRAINING. Nexa Autocolor festékrendszerek. Please update your links to the ColorMobile® application link shown below. Innovación. TechTalk. MAXMEYER TV. Sulla base di questa relazione di successo, entrambe le parti hanno deciso di continuare la loro collaborazione per altri 5 anni. NEXA AUTOCOLOR ® has launched a new mobile app to support its growing portfolio of automotive refinish coatings. The agreement will cover the Honda service network in the Europe. about automotive refinish | about ppg | legal notices & privacy policies | trademark ownership | global code of ethics | contact us | site map | united states Canada - PPG, 2301 Royal Windsor Drive, Unit #6 - Mississauga, Ontario L5J 1K5 – (800) 647-6050 Home And of course ProcessManager - the leading IT management tool for paint workshops available. Scroll. The agreement names PPG as a chosen refinish paint supplier for KME’s growing bodyshop repair network in Europe. Color palettes have been expanded and … and model-year cues. Nexa Autocolor 2K; Nexa Autocolor HS Plus rendszer; Nexa Autocolor EHS Turbo Plus rendszer; Nexa Autocolor egyéb; PPG festékrendszerek. (Distributor locator not available) Membership Area. ROLLE, Switzerland, Dec. 1, 2014 – PPG Industries (NYSE:PPG) is launching new branding for leading automotive refinish brand NEXA AUTOCOLOR® coatings to give a fresh look to its full range of premium products. La riconferma dell'accordo coinvolgerà tutti e tre i brand refinish PPG, MAXMEYER ® e NEXA AUTOCOLOR ®. La última frontera del repintado de vehículos. … PPG Industries is a leader in its markets. L'app multilingue e gratuita consente un accesso online semplice e veloce alle informazioni tecniche sui prodotti, con schede tecniche semplificate (TDS) che evidenziano gli aspetti più importanti legati all’utilizzo. The UKs leading paint and dry goods distribution solution. Il Gruppo PPG Refinish e Honda Motor Europe collaborano insieme da 5 anni, e vantano oggi una partnership consolidata. Websites. Our portfolio covers four brands; PPG, Nexa Autocolor, Max Meyer and Selemix. Director de ventas para Portugal de las 4 marcas representadas (MaxMeyer, Nexa Autocolor, PPG y Selemix), trabajando con un equipo comercial y técnico para dar soporte a la red de distribución de la marca PPG y a las importaciones de MaxMeyer y Nexa Autocolor. Login. ... KME will now officially benefit from products and services from PPG Automotive’ s leading NEXA AUTOCOLOR ®, PPG and MAXMEYER ® refinish brands to its network of 2146 collision centres in 16 European countries. Title: NEXA AUTOCOLOR® COURSE CATALOGUE 2021, Author: PPG Refinish Scandinavia, Name: NEXA AUTOCOLOR® COURSE CATALOGUE 2021, Length: 28 pages, Page: 6, Published: 2020-12-16 . PPG Paint It; NEXA Paint It; Training Courses In My Area SDS Search. Welcome to the COLORMOBILE® Application: The Online Color web application has been retired in your country. Nexa Autocolor Aquabase Plus rendszer. Le Groupe PPG conforte ainsi sa stratégie de partenariat avec les acteurs leaders de leur secteur, et reste concentré sur son coeur de métier : « Nous sommes avant tout des fabricants de peinture. This is a very difficult and unprecedented time, we want to emphasise that you can count on us to uphold the health and safety of our employees, customers and stakeholders as our highest priority as we continue to support you in the current environment. Après 10 années de collaboration, le réseau AXIAL élargit son partenariat avec le Groupe PPG en référençant la marque MAXMEYER® en complément de la marque NEXA AUTOCOLOR®. The innovative AQUABASE® Plus waterborne line will be the first to benefit from updated product packaging followed by the globally recognised 2K® product line.

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