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Since 2007 we cover startups from the point of their first funding. Naauwkeurige beschryving der aardgewassen : waar in de veelerley aart en bijzondere eigenschappen der boomen, heesters, kruyden, bloemen, met haare vrugten, zaden, wortelen en bollen, neevens derzelver waare voort-teeling, gelukkige aanwinning, en heylzaame genees-krachten : na een veel-jarige oeffening en eigen ondervinding, in drie onderscheide boeken, naauwkeuriglijk beschreeven worden How Speakers Refer: The Role of Accessibility. 2008. 17Sentence fragments starting with a p-pronoun showed again a subject preference. The fact that p-pronoun antecedents were given only 97% of the time is due to restricting the prior context to five sentences. 6 One frequent use of d-pronouns is for making reference to a proposition, as in example [i]. Paper presented at the International Conference “Prominence in Language” (University of Cologne, 15-17 June 2015). Centering: A Framework for Modeling the Local Coherence of Discourse. Gundel, J.K., Hedberg, N. & Zacharski, R. 1993. There are two major differences between the p- and the d-pronoun. ‘The classmate teased a boy, who was wearing an oversized cap. 2016 - Quelle couleur de cheveux vous correspond le mieux, selon votre visage, teint, et selon vos yeux ? 3 Note that these features constraint the potential antecedent expressions and not the referent as such. 9 In the original questionnaire, the referents that are underlined here were surrounded by a frame. 2015 - Vous êtes sur le blog du club LPC Puget, nous vous présentons nos Salons / Expositions. We also would like to thank the two reviewers, who provided us with many intriguing comments. Discover (and save!) new, NP1/Subj. D-pronouns are much more frequent in spoken German than in written German (see Ahrenholz, 2007; Bosch et al., 2007). A closer inspection revealed a high proportion of examples were the antecedent was either a p-pronoun (n = 12 or 31.6%) or a d-pronoun (n = 7 or 18.4%). Thus, in striking contrast to the case of subject pronouns, for pronouns in the function of a direct object the d-pronoun outnumbers the p-pronoun. Percentages of sentences with a competitor to the actual antecedent anywhere or locally in the prior context, depending on pronoun type. Lenerz, J. As noted in the preceding section, when we use accessibility in the most straightforward way for predicting the choice between the p- and the d-pronoun, we strongly overpredict the use of d-pronouns with regard to our sample of written texts. Based on their specific characteristics, they are divided into three categories - Premium, Comfort and Standard - in order to best meet the needs of the customers. Furthermore, we consider Kasimir also as the sentence topic of the last context sentence [C -1]. EDNA International – votre partenaire compétent pour des produits boulangers surgelés de haute qualité. The new and indefinite entity of the last sentence was accompanied by a relative clause in order to give it more content and thereby increase the naturalness of the sentences. Sendung vom 29.03.2021 Radieschen, Cocktails und Haare waschen. She has gained recognition for her roles in both blockbusters and independent films, as well as her women's rights work. I think the dress of the model perfectly fits ot the historic scene. Information Structure Affects the Resolution of the Subject Pronouns “Er” and “Der” in Spoken German Discourse. This slight increase is possibly again due to restricting the context to five sentences. 2015. The next section gives an overview of prior research concerned with p- and d-pronouns in German. s devant ou derrière la caméra, à l'échelle européenne, et présentent les films de tous types auxquels ils ou elles ont participé. Results of the logistic-regression analysis for the corpus data. Both pronouns seem to require an antecedent that occurred recently and is therefore in an activated state in working memory. new, NP2/Obj. In addition, in some cases the preceding context and the target sentence did not form a coherent discourse, reflecting problems with automatically deriving texts from internet sites. Number of mentions of the pronoun’s referent in the preceding context for, Figure 2. ‘A visitor, who had green hair, provoked the security guy. 67The second reason to concentrate on SO sentences concerns the condition where the subject referent is new and the object referent is given and the given referent thus occurs in sentence-final position. The fact that a d-pronoun is nevertheless used to refer back to ein Kerl thus indicates that pronouns are inherently more accessible than lexical NPs4. Thus, sentences with an initial p-pronoun occurred about 23 times more often than sentences with a d-pronoun. In contexts that provide only one grammatically suitable referent for the pronoun, DPro and PPro occur in free variation, and without any semantic difference. Dec 19, 2017 - This Pin was discovered by Alice Song. Joint distribution of the three properties “syntactic function”, “position” and “givenness” of the antecedent of the p-pronoun er and the d-pronoun der. In our corpus study, we coded whether the antecedent was given or not, but we did not code whether it is a (sentence) topic or not. Avec notre vaste gamme de plus de 1000 produits boulangers, articles issus de l’épicerie fine et autres produits non alimentaires, vous trouverez tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour votre établissement dans le secteur HoReCa et Bake-off. Entdecke (und sammle) deine eigenen Pins bei Pinterest. 39This section presents the results of the individual properties that were defined above. Since the definite article and the d-pronoun share forms (or are even the same lexical item, as proposed by Wiltschko, 1998), a definite determiner may increase the probability of using the d-pronoun. Our vehicles undergo a series of checks and inspections. The results for givenness defined in this way and the two syntactic prominence properties of syntactic function and clausal position are shown in Table 2. Demonstrative Pronouns and Personal Pronouns: German “Der” vs. “Er”. The R Project for Statistical Computing. The latest fashion news, beauty coverage, celebrity style, fashion week updates, culture reviews, and videos on Vogue.com. 68The critical third context sentence differed depending on the experimental condition. Crossing the givenness of the underlined antecedent (given or new) and its clausal position (first or last) resulted in four experimental conditions shown in [12] (for reasons of space, both referents are underlined in [12]). Capturing emphasis in a corpus study is very difficult, if possible at all. The reverse pattern is found for the d-pronoun: in each case, the accessibility-decreasing value occurs more often than the accessibility-increasing one. 46In sum, of the core properties defining salience according to Arnold (2010), givenness and syntactic prominence (syntactic function and clausal position) strongly differ between p-pronouns and d-pronouns. 62The corpus data presented in this section confirm that p- and d-pronouns differ in a range of dimensions as expected given the prior literature. Chaque année, nous approvisionnons environ 40 000 clients des secteurs de la gastronomie, de l'hôtellerie, du service traiteur et de l'événementiel ainsi que des stations-service, des cafés et des cantines en produits boulangers de qualité supérieure. ZAS Papers in Linguistics 48. In each of the prior examples [2] and [3], the antecedent is the co-referential NP in the immediately preceding sentence. In [14], the continuation brings us to notice that the cook performed the action of pushing because he was in a bad mood. In the linguistic literature (Abraham, 2002; Wiemer, 1996; Zifonun et al., 1997), several of the properties discussed above – givenness, syntactic function and linear position – have been considered as candidates for differentiating between p- and d-pronouns. An inspection of the examples did not provide evidence that the d-pronoun generally goes along with special emphasis, although – as discussed below – in some cases emphasis does indeed seem to play a role. 35There were 19 cases of this kind, 15 with a following p-pronoun and 4 with a following d-pronoun. This was the case in 8 out of the 54 corpus texts where a possessive pronoun was the last expression co-referential with the upcoming sentence-initial pronoun. For example, in a sentence with subject-object (SO) order, the subject is always more accessible than the object because it is favored by two of the three defining properties – syntactic function and clausal position. Based on their specific characteristics, they are divided into three categories - Premium, Comfort and Standard - in order to best meet the needs of the customers. However, this finding is open to alternative explanations. Discover (and save!) Percentages (n) of given vs. new antecedent NPs depending on pronoun type, for proper name antecedents and definite antecedents. The basic idea is that referring expressions instruct the addressee to retrieve a certain piece of given information from his memory by indicating to him how accessible this piece of information is to him at the current stage of the discourse. 83Every account of pronoun choice in German would have predicted a d-pronoun in this case, especially given the presence of competing antecedents within the final context sentence [C -1]. With about 45%, the largest class is formed by examples where the accessibility score is 0. The authors claim that for both devices, the two types of pronouns can be described in different terms based on the salience and/or activation of their referents: whereas p-pronouns are chosen to refer to salient and activated referents, d-pronouns are chosen to refer to referents that need to be strengthened in terms of salience/activation. It comes from a furniture store in Belgium.’. “lme4”: Linear Mixed-Effects Models Using Eigen and S4. In case of situations not involving anaphoric disambiguation, p-pronouns are used to background the referent whereas d-pronouns serve a forward orientation in the discourse. 7This paper presents a corpus study and an experiment that have investigated the factors that determine the choice between personal pronoun (p-pronoun for short) and d-pronoun during written language production. Since the referent of this NP has already been introduced in the sentence before by the indefinite NP einen Clown, this means that the d-pronoun prefers a given NP as antecedent. Under the assumption that the referent of the given NP den Clown (“the clown”) in the final context sentence in [6] is the sentence topic, this constitutes an exception to the hypothesis that a d-pronoun preferentially refers to a non-topic. ‘Maria won an important price. Even if this assumption were correct, the interpretation of the observed preferences in terms of information structure is by no means obligatory. Thomas Otto works as the Project Safety Officer for the High-Luminosity extension to CERN's Flagship Accelerator LHC (HL-LHC). For these two antecedent types, Table 5 shows how often the antecedent was already given in the prior discourse and how often it was newly introduced. This was the case for all the examples considered so far. Possible limitations resulting from this restriction are discussed below. The two reasons for the observed difference between p- and d-pronouns with regard to animacy do of course not exclude each other. Der Koch schubste einen Bäcker, der am Ende der Schlange stand. Both corpus studies thus find that the subject bias for p-pronouns is stronger than the object bias for d-pronouns. We were especially interested in the question whether the corpus finding that a d-pronoun is chosen to refer to a given NP in sentence final position also holds for completions written by participants. 96In sum, in cases where a given clause-final object is the antecedent of the d-pronoun, the antecedent can be a topic or not. & Zanchetta, E. 2009. (2003) and in our study, it cannot be responsible for the different ratios between p- and d-pronouns. 50For proper name antecedents, we see a distribution that is close to the distribution found in the whole corpus (see Table 2). Fraurud, K. 1990. For each sentence, the preceding context was also retrieved, limited to five sentences. 23A further question relates to the finding that during language comprehension p-pronouns and d-pronouns seem to be differentially sensitive to the various dimensions defining accessibility. In Proceedings of the 2003 EACL Workshop on the Computational Treatment of Anaphora. Join Facebook to connect with Angelina We and others you may know. Cher client, Nous sommes navrés d'apprendre que vous rencontriez des difficultés avec vos nouvelles télécommande. Two different properties can increase a referent’s syntactic prominence and thereby make it more accessible. Our vehicles undergo a series of checks and inspections. Here, all three properties show about the same ratio of ca. The LehramtsNavi (teacher training navigation system) and Career Service’s programme of We then describe how the corpus examples were extracted and prepared for later analysis. Available online: https://discours.revues.org/8756. [C -4] Apropos, ‘Together the three of us flew to Athens. For d-pronouns, in contrast, an object bias was found. Er war schlecht gelaunt. 74As mentioned in the introduction, coherence relations play a major part in the interpretation of pronouns (see Kehler & Rohde, 2013 for a recent review). D-pronouns are often analyzed as a kind of demonstrative pronoun. An explanation may be postulated when the continuation describes a cause or reason of the event pictured in the context sentence. In doing so, he pushed him several times.’. Referents that have been mentioned recently are more accessible than referents that have not been mentioned recently. Theoretical Linguistics 39 (1-2): 1-37. Whereas the givenness of an NP can be determined uncontroversially with few exceptions, determining whether an NP is the topic of a sentence or not is often not possible in an objective way, as shown by experiments on inter-annotator agreement (e.g., Cook & Bildhauer, 2013). The possessive pronoun’s antecedent, in contrast, is almost always a subject. For example, 87% of the definite NP antecedents of the p-pronoun are subjects, whereas 80% of the definite NP antecedents of the d-pronoun are non-subjects. The opposite behavior is found for indefinite NPs and w-words, which are new in the overwhelming majority of cases. Emma Charlotte Duerre Watson (born 15 April 1990) is an English actress, model, and activist. Unser Tipp des Tages: Bei Kontakt mit Quallen am besten sofort Strandsand auf die Wunde streuen! 21From the perspective of language production, the findings from language interpretation raise a range of interesting questions. Bosch, P. 2013. In total, 359 pronominal continuations were analyzed with about an equal number of cases in each of the four experimental conditions. 78In sum, the data presented in this section indicate that the referential form that is chosen for referring to a particular referent in a continuation sentence is not independent of the coherence relation that connects the continuation sentence with the preceding context. Dec 19, 2017 - This Pin was discovered by Alice Song. Sie wurde 1879 gegründet The existing research concerned with these pronouns has focused on language comprehension, in particular with regard to interpretative preferences in the case of referential ambiguity. Here, the last co-referential NP is the possessive pronoun seine which itself is co-referent with the subject NP Döring8. A Google ingyenes szolgáltatása azonnal lefordítja a szavakat, kifejezéseket és weboldalakat a magyar és több mint 100 további nyelv kombinációjában. The strong dominance of the p-pronoun thus causes the models to overgeneralize the use of the p-pronoun, making it rather difficult to correctly predict the use of a d-pronoun. 14This generalization seems to capture the interpretation of d-pronouns quite accurately, but some problems remain. This is a paid newsletter for professional investors who want to know every startup which gets kicked-off in the DACH region. Marilla Muriel Fotomodel. Ein Besucher, der grüngefärbte Haare hatte, provozierte den Sicherheitsmann. Of these, 901,486 or 95.8% contained the p-pronoun and 39,293 or 4.2% the d-pronoun, resulting in a ratio of 23:1 as in the subset analyzed above. Discover (and save!) However, when a referent has been selected and a choice has to be made as to the referential form for referring to it, coherence relations have been found to have no effect (e.g., Fukumura & Van Gompel, 2010; Kehler & Rohde, 2013). Computing a logistic regression analysis for our complete sample would thus give invalid estimates. Emphasis might also play a role in other examples with the d-pronoun, but we do not think that the use of the d-pronoun always involves emphasis. In order to approximate the original p-pronoun to d-pronoun ratio, we formed a sample consisting of the complete p-pronoun sample and 18 randomly drawn examples from the d-pronoun sample. Languages provide a wide variety of referential expressions for this purpose. Since given NPs always occurred sentence-initially and new NPs sentence-finally in their experiment, it is not possible to decide whether the preference observed for the d-pronoun is an effect of givenness or an effect of position. The two sentences following the introduction of the antecedent in [C -2] are both elaborations of the antecedent NP and thereby form a list-like structure. Most of the continuations serve as a result for the event of the preceding context sentence. Kaiser, E. & Trueswell, J. The finding of 69.2% new uses for antecedents that are definite NPs may seem surprising if one considers the anaphoric use of definite NPs as basic. For example, in order to help the hearer, a speaker who wants to refer back to the subject in an object-before-subject sentence could either use a p-pronoun (because p-pronouns prefer a subject antecedent) or a d-pronoun (because d-pronouns prefer a sentence final antecedent). your own Pins on Pinterest Die Personalpronomina “er” vs. “der” und ihre textsemantischen Funktionen. I’m very pleased by that.’Since this case was excluded both in Bosch et al. During language production, coherence relations are also crucially involved with regard to the decision about which referent of a given sentence to take up in the next sentence. We finally present various analyses of the extracted examples. Sprache und Pragmatik 29: 1-54. As information structure and linear position are confounded, the preferred interpretation of the d-pronoun could as well be stated in linear terms – the d-pronoun preferentially refers to the clause-final NP. Berlin: Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft (ZAS): 53-74. Bosch, P., Katz, G. & Umbach, C. 2007. Examples of this kind are least expected in the case of the d-pronoun because the d-pronoun’s antecedent is a non-final subject that is already given in the discourse. Plusieurs modèles inspirants et conseils utiles ici. The results of the experiment strengthen the conclusion that several factors determine accessibility which in turn governs pronoun choice. 4Arnold (2010) lists three properties of a referent that contribute to its accessibility: recency, givenness, and syntactic prominence. A stressed pronoun, in contrast, could not have been used, because then a contrastive reading would have resulted, but contrastiveness does not seem to play a role in these examples. On the Syntax and Semantics of (Relative) Pronouns and Determiners. September 57 Jahre alt wird, stammt gar nicht aus dem Saarland. The strongest differences were found for two core properties defining accessibility – givenness and syntactic prominence, for which both syntactic function and clausal position had strong effects. Alice Hoffmann ist gar keine Saarländerin Die Schauspielerin, die am 16. However, they are also there to help students acquire interdisciplinary skills, such as skills in scientific research and self-organisation. In this paper, we focus on the difference between two types of pronouns in German – personal pronouns like er (“he”) and so-called d-pronouns like der (lit. Table 4. A minor effect of this prescriptive advice cannot be excluded, as evidenced by the higher rate of non-human referents for the d-pronoun than for the p-pronoun. Watson has been ranked among the world's highest-paid actresses by Forbes and Vanity Fair, and was named one of the 100 most influential people in the world by Time magazine in 2015. The values found in our study are 84.7% subject antecedents for the p-pronoun and 70.2% object antecedents for d-pronoun. Linguistische Berichte 198: 153-190. For p-pronouns with an antecedent in the immediately preceding clause, the antecedent was a subject in 86.7% of all cases and a non-subject in the remaining 13.2% cases. Finalement, nous discutons de facteurs, autres que l’accessibilité, qui affectent le choix du pronom. In addition, in five cases the d-pronoun was followed by a verb-final structure and two continuations were incomplete or missing. [C -2] Bevor die Aufführung begann, hatte sie schon einen Clown herumlaufen sehen. Zur Syntax der Pronomina im Deutschen. Scrambling in Spoken Dutch: Definiteness versus Weight as Determinants of Word Order Variation.

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